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Revision as of 17:43, 20 February 2009 by Adriano.carosso (Talk | contribs)

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NEO is dead. NO key combination, NOR external supply can revive it. Time to connect debug board. ... Solved. Disconnect battery, connect ONLY usb an press ONLY aux.

Now i succeded in compiling festival (speech sintesys [ITALIAN]) on my openmoko. For now it wake up me in the morning, saying time and day-of-week (did you notice how poor is clock on NEO?) I'll looking for a safe place where release it.

Anyway, now is time to rock-up NEO wifi...

mediaserver problem: After a succesful native compilation and installation of glibc-2.0 NEO stops ringing: only vibration was ok.

I stopped qpe (killall qpe) and launch it manually to see what's wrong. when qpe launch mediaserver this error appears

      • glibc detected *** ... memory corruption (address)

after wasting time with qcop (anyway it was instructional) i've pointed out that /usr/local/lib was used before /usr/lib.

(Maybe i've made a dummies mistake in /etc/ it was sufficient to delete glibc-2* in /usr/local/lib

Output of when NEO is ringing correctly

QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 50, "qpe" ) QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 1000, "mediaserver" ) QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 900, "mediaserver" ) QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 1000, "qpe" )

NEO is dead. NO key combination, NOR external supply can revive it. Time to connect debug board. ... Solved. Disconnect battery, connect ONLY usb an press ONLY aux.

Now i succeded in compiling festival (speech sintesys [ITALIAN]) on my openmoko. For now it wake up me in the morning, saying time and day-of-week (did you notice how poor is clock on NEO?) I'll looking for a safe place where release it.

Anyway, now is time to rock-up NEO wifi...

mediaserver problem: After a succesful native compilation and installation of glibc-2.0 NEO stops ringing: only vibration was ok.

I stopped qpe (killall qpe) and launch it manually to see what's wrong. when qpe launch mediaserver this error appears

      • glibc detected *** ... memory corruption (address)

after wasting time with qcop (anyway it was instructional) i've pointed out that /usr/local/lib was used before /usr/lib.

(Maybe i've made a dummies mistake in /etc/ it was sufficient to delete glibc-2* in /usr/local/lib

Output of when NEO is ringing correctly

QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 50, "qpe" ) QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 1000, "mediaserver" ) QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 900, "mediaserver" ) QPE/Application/qpe: QtopiaPowerManager::setConstraint( 1000, "qpe" )