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Вопросы и Ответы которые больше никуда не подходят (Questions and Answers that don't seem to fit elsewhere)



Q: Что такое OpenMoko и Neo1973?

A: OpenMoko программная платформа, попытка создать первую в мире полностью открытую программную платформу для мобильных телефонов. Neo1973 от FIC это первый телефон полностью поддерживающий OpenMoko.

Q: Когда я смогу купить Neo1973?

A: У конце марта для разработчиков, в сентябре на массовом рынке - Смотрите Neo1973 для более точной информации. Для того, что бы быть информированным, когда он станет доступным, подпишитесь на Список рассылки анонсов.

Q: По чем?

A: $350 за комплект разработчика - Фаза 1. В комплете:

  • Neo1973 телефон
  • Батарея
  • Наушники
  • Зарядное устройство
  • Чехол
  • Стилус
  • Шнурок
  • 512 MB MicroSD карта
  • USB кабель
  • Инструкция пользователя и гарантия

$75 за автомобильный комплект. В комплете:

  • Windshield mount and device holder
  • Автомобильное зарядное устройство
  • Внешняя антенна

$200 за Хакерский Lunchbox. В комплете:

  • Отладочная панель
  • Батарея
  • Зарядное устройство для отладочная панели
  • FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit - Гибкая Печатная схема) шлейф
  • Shoulder strap
  • Отладочный кабель (USB)

Q: Что же делать?

В фазе 1 телефон появится в конце марта, только для разработчиков. Он не пригоден для конечных пользователей и будет иметь базовую функциональность как телефон с сенсорным экраном. Еще кое что будет работать, разработка программного обеспечения будет продолжаться до выхода на массовый рынок.

Заинтересованные лица должны:

  • Знать, что будет устройство с более быстрым процессором, GSM системой и т.д. через 6 месяцев.
  • Получать удовольствие, взламывая устройство.
  • Смочь найти свою дорогу через прототип программного и аппаратного обеспечения без особых документов.
  • Поделитесь мечтами об устройстве работающим под управлением свободного программного обеспечения.
  • Не ожидать устройства потребительского уровня.
  • Приходить с новыми идеями для изучению возрастных мобильных вычислений. (Come up with new ideas for exploring the age of mobile computing.)
  • Иметь $350.

В идеале они так же:

  • Уметь находить места ошибок и отправлять патчи.
  • Любить совместную работу в составе сообщества разработчиков для улучшения программного обеспечения.

Программное обеспечение

Q: Существует ли описание и перечень программного обеспечения OpenMoko?

A: Смотри OpenMoko

Q: Как мне инсталлировать и управлять программным обеспечением в OpenMoko?

A: ipkg: http://handhelds.org/moin/moin.cgi/Ipkg

Q: Как я могу компилировать программы для Neo1973?

A: Смотри Toolchain.

Q: Существует ли эмулятор для OpenMoko?

*XorA предпологает, что если ваш первый вопрос - "есть ли эмулятор", то в действительности вы никогда не будете разрабатывать ПО :-)


QEMU хорошее место для старта, почти все OpenMoko приложения должны работать на нем. Для начала работы с эмулятором QEMU посетите: http://www.aurel32.net/info/debian_arm_qemu.php

Jeff put together an image you can test under qemu, if you so desire: ftp://ftp.blagblagblag.org/pub/BLAG/developers/jebba/openmoko/

OpenMoko имеет долгосрочные планы по портированию FIC машин на QEMU. Сейчас может быть использованно MACHINE="qemuarm".


Еще один это Xoo. Koen сказал: "Xoo может быть достаточно для большинства разработчиков, т.к. большинству ненужен прямой доступ к GSM uart. Если вы "крутой", то можете использовать qemu + xoo, но все равно пока не полностью эмулируются все железные "фишки" (например несогласованный доступ (unaligned access))".

Обновление: Stefan Schmidt сделал макет Neo1973 и написал маленькое описание для xoo. С его слов: В действительности это не совсем готово к использованию, т.к. вам нужно высокое разрешение монитора, что бы вместить полную картинку. И конечно же масштаб неточен. Даже нет кнопок, т.к. я не могу вспомнить где они расположены на корпусе.


Способ запуска 'xoo --device /path/to/neo1973.xml'


Or use Xephyr directly with locally compiled programs (e.g. matchbox svn + openmoko):

Xephyr -screen 480x640 -nolisten tcp -ac :1 &
export DISPLAY=:1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
matchbox-window-manager -display $DISPLAY -use_titlebar no \
 -use_super_modal yes -use_lowlight yes -use_dialog_mode static \
 -use_cursor yes &
matchbox-panel --geometry=480x44 --end-applets=clock &
openmoko-footer &
openmoko-taskmanager &

Q: Where can I find some type of tutorial for a 'Hello, world' on OpenMoko?

A: This should get you started: http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/

Q: Can PalmOS apps applications be ported to run on OpenMoko?

A: Making legacy apps written for the "Garnet" OS (née "Palm OS") run on Linux is decidedly non-trivial. An emulator for this is going to be part of the ACCESS Linux Platform.

PalmOS uses a very different model from Linux: it doesn't really have a concept of a file, per se; instead, all memory is seen as a "soup" of records to access and manipulate (this isn't strictly true, as files had to be grafted on when removable flash was supported, but it's close enough, from a developer's standpoint). Also, the GUI toolkit looks very, very different from GTK. The result is that a very well-written, modular program that carefully separates its core algorithms from its user interface and data input and output can be ported by replacing those components. A program written by a mere mortal programmer is likely to have all these components intertwined to a point that a port will be challenging to say the least.

The ACCESS Linux Platform will include POSE, an emulator that simulates a Palm device on a Linux host. This emulator has been around a long time; one expects that it will also run on OpenMoko, but this has to be considered a short-term bandaid rather than a long-term solution.

Q: Does it have Java?

A: It will have eventually, if you help us to get it working. Some good places to keep track of would be projects.openmoko.org and PhoneME.

Q: What are the relevant X11 details?

A: See xdpyinfo output.

Q: Does OpenMoko run on any other hardware?

You can run it on your PC. There is work going on with OpenEZX and HTC. It's running on iPaq hx4700.

Neo1973 Hardware

Q: What are the dimensions?

A: 120.7 x 62 x 18.5 mm, It would fit entirely in a coke can. (4.75 * 2.4 * 0.72 ")

Q: How heavy is it?

A: 185g, (6.5 ounces).

Q: Does it have a camera?

A: No, see Neo1973 Hardware for details on what it does include (and Wish List - Hardware for what some want in the future.) See also FAQ#USB.

Q: What is the rationale behind the exclusion of WiFi?

A: No suitable low power open source WiFi device was available when the Neo1973 was designed. A closed source WiFi device would have been restrictive for developers and users alike. See also FAQ#USB.

See also: Sean Moss-Pultz's comment on this

Q: Does it have bluetooth?

A: Yes!

Q: Does it come with a stylus?

A: Yes, but there's no holder for it on the phone.

Q: What is the battery life?

A: There has been no word on this so far, but see these estimates for a rough idea. More information about the battery here.


Q: What can I do with the USB port on the Neo1973?

A: Charge the phone, communicate with it over USB-serial, or USB-networking.

A: Plug external devices, such as wifi, cameras, or mass-storage devices in.

Q: What can't I do with the USB?

The USB on the neo has no power output. This means that you cannot use USB bus powered devices without some sort of powered hub or cable. This is due to the fact that adding a 5V power supply into the device would have added complexity, volume and cost.

Q: Why is only USB 1.1 provided?

A: The processor has USB 1.1 built in. One with USB2 built in would have been more expensive.

Q: Can the Neo charge and use devices on a USB hub at the same time?


  • When the Neo is connected to a device port on a USB hub, it will start charging. If the hub is a powered hub, then it will charge fast (3h), otherwise around 12h.
  • If you plug the Neo into the host port of a USB hub you can use devices on that hub but the Neo will not charge. (Some/many USB hubs will not accept an unpowered host as valid, hence the need for the below cable.)
  • This is because the host socket on USB hubs is not powered.

FIC product development is looking into providing something that conveniently solves this problem.

The USB port on the Neo is not a properly compliant USB host port, all USB host ports must provide 5V - though powered devices or hubs may not draw any current from this, they may refuse to work. (The Belkin Tetrahub is an example of a hub that will not work.)

One solution is a three headed cable.

One end plugs into the Neo. One end plugs into a device port of a powered hub, or the Neo charger. One end plugs into the host port of a hub.

The Charger/USB device plug only has +5V and 0V connected in the simple cable, which are connected to the other ends.

For a more complex cable, when the host socket is not plugged in, the cable acts as a simple USB cable.

Q: What are the details of the USB port on the Neo1973? How does it compare to USB On-The-Go?

A: The Neo1973 will have mini-USB-B, and will be able to function as either a host or a device. It will NOT be USB On-The-Go. OTG is a complex specification, and it comprises way more than just a AB socket, but also electrical and software components which cannot be provide by the S3C2410.

You will need a special Mini-B to regular-B cable (note that this won't actually comply with the USB standard: a compliant cable has to have an A or Mini-A plug on one end, and B or Mini-B on the other).

Q: Are there any LEDs on the Neo 1973?

A: The Neo1973 v1 will have no LEDs besides the screen backlight.

Q: Will a JTAG port be made available?

A: The "Hacker's Lunchbox" will make this kind of stuff easy.

It is currently assumed that the "Hacker's Lunchbox" will contain the Debug Board. Connecting Neo1973 with Debug Board v2 explains how to connect it to the phone.

Q: What can we expect in future versions?

A: A faster CPU, faster GSM (EDGE?) perhaps even powered USB port, USB2, wifi, and camera. None of the details have been released yet. More details of hardware upgrades should be available sometime in May. There will also be 5 more OpenMoko devices - some not phones in the traditional sense announced by FIC in September.


Q: Can I bridge to an Ethernet (wired or unwired) network via a suitable Bluetooth enabled router?

A: Yes - see this howto for how to configure a linux computer to act as such a router and Bluetooth Support.

Q: What providers in the USA provide the GSM required for Neo 1973?

A: Wikipedia has a list of providers and technologies here. A brief look gives the impression that T-Mobile and Cingular (which is renaming itself AT&T) seem to be the only major ones.

Q: Will OpenMoko "Just Work" with Mac OS X?

A: There has been some discussion of this on the mailing list. There is motivation, and there are interested developers. Not being a Mac OS X user, I don't know enough to summarize the discussion to answer this question. Can someone please fill in?

A: For IP over USB cable connectivity, it is planned to improve/adapt the AJZaurusUSB driver, allowing ssh into the OpenMoko.

A: It is expected that (Bluetooth/UB) SyncML based interoperation for contacts and events can easily be achieved by a patch to the Apple iSync configuration tables.

A: There is an open source implementation of Cocoa (GNUstep) that aims to run MacOS X compatible applications (sort of PPC/x86/ARM universal binaries) on OpenMoko devices: mySTEP.


Q: On the lists on lists.openmoko.org, should replies be added above or below the original text?

A: Please reply UNDER post.

Q: How can I find out if a question or topic has already been discussed on the mailing lists?

A: By searching the mailing list archives. For example, using Google searches:

site:openmoko.org text

For example, to search for accelerometer:

site:openmoko.org accelerometer

If you only want to read the "official" mails from FIC people or from OpenMoko people:

site:openmoko.org text "at fic.com.tw"
site:openmoko.org text "at openmoko.org"

For example to search for "release date" from FIC people:

site:openmoko.org "release date" "at fic.com.tw"

Alternatively you can use the custom OpenMoko search engine which has been created using Google Co-op.

Вопросы и Ответы которые больше никуда не подходят (Questions and Answers that don't seem to fit elsewhere)


Q: Что такое OpenMoko и Neo1973?

A: OpenMoko программная платформа, попытка создать первую в мире полностью открытую программную платформу для мобильных телефонов. Neo1973 от FIC это первый телефон полностью поддерживающий OpenMoko.

Q: Когда я смогу купить Neo1973?

A: У конце марта для разработчиков, в сентябре на массовом рынке - Смотрите Neo1973 для более точной информации. Для того, что бы быть информированным, когда он станет доступным, подпишитесь на Список рассылки анонсов.

Q: По чем?

A: $350 за комплект разработчика - Фаза 1. В комплете:

  • Neo1973 телефон
  • Батарея
  • Наушники
  • Зарядное устройство
  • Чехол
  • Стилус
  • Шнурок
  • 512 MB MicroSD карта
  • USB кабель
  • Инструкция пользователя и гарантия

$75 за автомобильный комплект. В комплете:

  • Windshield mount and device holder
  • Автомобильное зарядное устройство
  • Внешняя антенна

$200 за Хакерский Lunchbox. В комплете:

  • Отладочная панель
  • Батарея
  • Зарядное устройство для отладочная панели
  • FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit - Гибкая Печатная схема) шлейф
  • Shoulder strap
  • Отладочный кабель (USB)

Q: Что же делать?

В фазе 1 телефон появится в конце марта, только для разработчиков. Он не пригоден для конечных пользователей и будет иметь базовую функциональность как телефон с сенсорным экраном. Еще кое что будет работать, разработка программного обеспечения будет продолжаться до выхода на массовый рынок.

Заинтересованные лица должны:

  • Знать, что будет устройство с более быстрым процессором, GSM системой и т.д. через 6 месяцев.
  • Получать удовольствие, взламывая устройство.
  • Смочь найти свою дорогу через прототип программного и аппаратного обеспечения без особых документов.
  • Поделитесь мечтами об устройстве работающим под управлением свободного программного обеспечения.
  • Не ожидать устройства потребительского уровня.
  • Приходить с новыми идеями для изучению возрастных мобильных вычислений. (Come up with new ideas for exploring the age of mobile computing.)
  • Иметь $350.

В идеале они так же:

  • Уметь находить места ошибок и отправлять патчи.
  • Любить совместную работу в составе сообщества разработчиков для улучшения программного обеспечения.

Программное обеспечение

Q: Существует ли описание и перечень программного обеспечения OpenMoko?

A: Смотри OpenMoko

Q: Как мне инсталлировать и управлять программным обеспечением в OpenMoko?

A: ipkg: http://handhelds.org/moin/moin.cgi/Ipkg

Q: Как я могу компилировать программы для Neo1973?

A: Смотри Toolchain.

Q: Существует ли эмулятор для OpenMoko?

*XorA предпологает, что если ваш первый вопрос - "есть ли эмулятор", то в действительности вы никогда не будете разрабатывать ПО :-)


QEMU хорошее место для старта, почти все OpenMoko приложения должны работать на нем. Для начала работы с эмулятором QEMU посетите: http://www.aurel32.net/info/debian_arm_qemu.php

Jeff put together an image you can test under qemu, if you so desire: ftp://ftp.blagblagblag.org/pub/BLAG/developers/jebba/openmoko/

OpenMoko имеет долгосрочные планы по портированию FIC машин на QEMU. Сейчас может быть использованно MACHINE="qemuarm".


Еще один это Xoo. Koen сказал: "Xoo может быть достаточно для большинства разработчиков, т.к. большинству ненужен прямой доступ к GSM uart. Если вы "крутой", то можете использовать qemu + xoo, но все равно пока не полностью эмулируются все железные "фишки" (например несогласованный доступ (unaligned access))".

Обновление: Stefan Schmidt сделал макет Neo1973 и написал маленькое описание для xoo. С его слов: В действительности это не совсем готово к использованию, т.к. вам нужно высокое разрешение монитора, что бы вместить полную картинку. И конечно же масштаб неточен. Даже нет кнопок, т.к. я не могу вспомнить где они расположены на корпусе.


Способ запуска 'xoo --device /path/to/neo1973.xml'


Or use Xephyr directly with locally compiled programs (e.g. matchbox svn + openmoko):

Xephyr -screen 480x640 -nolisten tcp -ac :1 &
export DISPLAY=:1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
matchbox-window-manager -display $DISPLAY -use_titlebar no \
 -use_super_modal yes -use_lowlight yes -use_dialog_mode static \
 -use_cursor yes &
matchbox-panel --geometry=480x44 --end-applets=clock &
openmoko-footer &
openmoko-taskmanager &

Q: Where can I find some type of tutorial for a 'Hello, world' on OpenMoko?

A: This should get you started: http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/

Q: Can PalmOS apps applications be ported to run on OpenMoko?

A: Making legacy apps written for the "Garnet" OS (née "Palm OS") run on Linux is decidedly non-trivial. An emulator for this is going to be part of the ACCESS Linux Platform.

PalmOS uses a very different model from Linux: it doesn't really have a concept of a file, per se; instead, all memory is seen as a "soup" of records to access and manipulate (this isn't strictly true, as files had to be grafted on when removable flash was supported, but it's close enough, from a developer's standpoint). Also, the GUI toolkit looks very, very different from GTK. The result is that a very well-written, modular program that carefully separates its core algorithms from its user interface and data input and output can be ported by replacing those components. A program written by a mere mortal programmer is likely to have all these components intertwined to a point that a port will be challenging to say the least.

The ACCESS Linux Platform will include POSE, an emulator that simulates a Palm device on a Linux host. This emulator has been around a long time; one expects that it will also run on OpenMoko, but this has to be considered a short-term bandaid rather than a long-term solution.

Q: Does it have Java?

A: It will have eventually, if you help us to get it working. Some good places to keep track of would be projects.openmoko.org and PhoneME.

Q: What are the relevant X11 details?

A: See xdpyinfo output.

Q: Does OpenMoko run on any other hardware?

You can run it on your PC. There is work going on with OpenEZX and HTC. It's running on iPaq hx4700.

Neo1973 Hardware

Q: What are the dimensions?

A: 120.7 x 62 x 18.5 mm, It would fit entirely in a coke can. (4.75 * 2.4 * 0.72 ")

Q: How heavy is it?

A: 185g, (6.5 ounces).

Q: Does it have a camera?

A: No, see Neo1973 Hardware for details on what it does include (and Wish List - Hardware for what some want in the future.) See also FAQ#USB.

Q: What is the rationale behind the exclusion of WiFi?

A: No suitable low power open source WiFi device was available when the Neo1973 was designed. A closed source WiFi device would have been restrictive for developers and users alike. See also FAQ#USB.

See also: Sean Moss-Pultz's comment on this

Q: Does it have bluetooth?

A: Yes!

Q: Does it come with a stylus?

A: Yes, but there's no holder for it on the phone.

Q: What is the battery life?

A: There has been no word on this so far, but see these estimates for a rough idea. More information about the battery here.


Q: What can I do with the USB port on the Neo1973?

A: Charge the phone, communicate with it over USB-serial, or USB-networking.

A: Plug external devices, such as wifi, cameras, or mass-storage devices in.

Q: What can't I do with the USB?

The USB on the neo has no power output. This means that you cannot use USB bus powered devices without some sort of powered hub or cable. This is due to the fact that adding a 5V power supply into the device would have added complexity, volume and cost.

Q: Why is only USB 1.1 provided?

A: The processor has USB 1.1 built in. One with USB2 built in would have been more expensive.

Q: Can the Neo charge and use devices on a USB hub at the same time?


  • When the Neo is connected to a device port on a USB hub, it will start charging. If the hub is a powered hub, then it will charge fast (3h), otherwise around 12h.
  • If you plug the Neo into the host port of a USB hub you can use devices on that hub but the Neo will not charge. (Some/many USB hubs will not accept an unpowered host as valid, hence the need for the below cable.)
  • This is because the host socket on USB hubs is not powered.

FIC product development is looking into providing something that conveniently solves this problem.

The USB port on the Neo is not a properly compliant USB host port, all USB host ports must provide 5V - though powered devices or hubs may not draw any current from this, they may refuse to work. (The Belkin Tetrahub is an example of a hub that will not work.)

One solution is a three headed cable.

One end plugs into the Neo. One end plugs into a device port of a powered hub, or the Neo charger. One end plugs into the host port of a hub.

The Charger/USB device plug only has +5V and 0V connected in the simple cable, which are connected to the other ends.

For a more complex cable, when the host socket is not plugged in, the cable acts as a simple USB cable.

Q: What are the details of the USB port on the Neo1973? How does it compare to USB On-The-Go?

A: The Neo1973 will have mini-USB-B, and will be able to function as either a host or a device. It will NOT be USB On-The-Go. OTG is a complex specification, and it comprises way more than just a AB socket, but also electrical and software components which cannot be provide by the S3C2410.

You will need a special Mini-B to regular-B cable (note that this won't actually comply with the USB standard: a compliant cable has to have an A or Mini-A plug on one end, and B or Mini-B on the other).

Q: Are there any LEDs on the Neo 1973?

A: The Neo1973 v1 will have no LEDs besides the screen backlight.

Q: Will a JTAG port be made available?

A: The "Hacker's Lunchbox" will make this kind of stuff easy.

It is currently assumed that the "Hacker's Lunchbox" will contain the Debug Board. Connecting Neo1973 with Debug Board v2 explains how to connect it to the phone.

Q: What can we expect in future versions?

A: A faster CPU, faster GSM (EDGE?) perhaps even powered USB port, USB2, wifi, and camera. None of the details have been released yet. More details of hardware upgrades should be available sometime in May. There will also be 5 more OpenMoko devices - some not phones in the traditional sense announced by FIC in September.


Q: Can I bridge to an Ethernet (wired or unwired) network via a suitable Bluetooth enabled router?

A: Yes - see this howto for how to configure a linux computer to act as such a router and Bluetooth Support.

Q: What providers in the USA provide the GSM required for Neo 1973?

A: Wikipedia has a list of providers and technologies here. A brief look gives the impression that T-Mobile and Cingular (which is renaming itself AT&T) seem to be the only major ones.

Q: Will OpenMoko "Just Work" with Mac OS X?

A: There has been some discussion of this on the mailing list. There is motivation, and there are interested developers. Not being a Mac OS X user, I don't know enough to summarize the discussion to answer this question. Can someone please fill in?

A: For IP over USB cable connectivity, it is planned to improve/adapt the AJZaurusUSB driver, allowing ssh into the OpenMoko.

A: It is expected that (Bluetooth/UB) SyncML based interoperation for contacts and events can easily be achieved by a patch to the Apple iSync configuration tables.

A: There is an open source implementation of Cocoa (GNUstep) that aims to run MacOS X compatible applications (sort of PPC/x86/ARM universal binaries) on OpenMoko devices: mySTEP.


Q: On the lists on lists.openmoko.org, should replies be added above or below the original text?

A: Please reply UNDER post.

Q: How can I find out if a question or topic has already been discussed on the mailing lists?

A: By searching the mailing list archives. For example, using Google searches:

site:openmoko.org text

For example, to search for accelerometer:

site:openmoko.org accelerometer

If you only want to read the "official" mails from FIC people or from OpenMoko people:

site:openmoko.org text "at fic.com.tw"
site:openmoko.org text "at openmoko.org"

For example to search for "release date" from FIC people:

site:openmoko.org "release date" "at fic.com.tw"

Alternatively you can use the custom OpenMoko search engine which has been created using Google Co-op.