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much <3 openmoko

James Lutz Cincinnati, Ohio USA

my useless home hosted webserver ipv6+ipv4

  • projects i'd like to see in the near future and will fight for
    • wifi frontend to iw-tools
      • does the wifi have autoconnect to any open net? 'iwconfig ath0 essid any'
    • accelerometer activity bindings to home , webbrowser etc
      • I like the idea of a shake or recorded motion to lock/unlock the keypad quickly
    • IRC client and/or IM clent?
    • Email
    • flite txt to speech engine sound off CID info ? eh prolly get in the way of the ring but still cool to have

much <3 openmoko

James Lutz Cincinnati, Ohio USA

my useless home hosted webserver ipv6+ipv4

  • projects i'd like to see in the near future and will fight for
    • wifi frontend to iw-tools
      • does the wifi have autoconnect to any open net? 'iwconfig ath0 essid any'
    • accelerometer activity bindings to home , webbrowser etc
      • I like the idea of a shake or recorded motion to lock/unlock the keypad quickly
    • IRC client and/or IM clent?
    • Email
    • flite txt to speech engine sound off CID info ? eh prolly get in the way of the ring but still cool to have