
From Openmoko

Revision as of 01:47, 16 February 2007 by Mickey (Talk | contribs)

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FIXME: Write short introduction here, make few images, ... just short briefing for anybody who came for the first time, no details, no specifications.

OpenMoko is an attempt to create the worlds first completely open mobile phone software stack.

Think standardization bottom-up (defined and implemented by the community), instead of top-down (defined by a consortium).

For a more thorough introduction see this announcement




display (top) side component (back) side

FIXME: Write short introduction here, make few images, ... just short briefing for anybody who came for the first time, no details, no specifications.

OpenMoko is an attempt to create the worlds first completely open mobile phone software stack.

Think standardization bottom-up (defined and implemented by the community), instead of top-down (defined by a consortium).

For a more thorough introduction see this announcement




display (top) side component (back) side