Qtopia on X11

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Qtopia on X11


Running Qtopia apps and services on X11 with enlightenment as window manager. This is done to benefit from the applications and working services but still allow integration with other toolkits and systems. The difficulty is to integrate Qtopia into the freedesktop.org world. This includes launching of apps, services, window management, installation, FHS obeyance...

Open issues

Integration with Desktop

What to learn from it

Service defintions and Service Providers

With Qtopia you can describe a service and give the user the choice to pick the preferred service. Read more about services here. Basicly you define a service Foo.servie and then have a directory Foo/ and providers of this service can put a file with their name into this directory.

Weekly reports

1st report
2nd report

Qtopia on X11


Running Qtopia apps and services on X11 with enlightenment as window manager. This is done to benefit from the applications and working services but still allow integration with other toolkits and systems. The difficulty is to integrate Qtopia into the freedesktop.org world. This includes launching of apps, services, window management, installation, FHS obeyance...

Open issues

Integration with Desktop

What to learn from it

Service defintions and Service Providers

With Qtopia you can describe a service and give the user the choice to pick the preferred service. Read more about services here. Basicly you define a service Foo.servie and then have a directory Foo/ and providers of this service can put a file with their name into this directory.

Weekly reports

1st report
2nd report