Getting OpenMoko working on host with Xephyr

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The goal of this page is to show you how to run an OpenMoko development image on your host x86 development machine in a chrooted environment.


Build an image

First, you'll need to build an openmoko-devel-image. You'll need to edit your local.conf file during build process (before step 5).

You should use Building OpenMoko using the MokoMakefile to build an openmoko-devel-image for your host architecture (x86 in our case). Make sure you put the moko makefile in /home/moko/Makefile .

Prior to that, edit your build/conf/local.conf to make it look like this:

MACHINE = "x86"
DISTRO = "openmoko"
BUILD_ARCH = "i686"
INHERIT += " devshell"
SRCDATE_eds-dbus = "now"

Once you have built the image, you can start working toward running the image.

(User:Flerchjj) I also had to add the following line to "build/conf/local.conf" to get "make openmoko-devel-image" to complete.


Compile may fail on line 140 of koto-field-editor-factory.c

koto-field-editor-factory.c:140: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token

This results from 'SexyIconEntry' being used without '#include <libsexy/sexy-icon-entry.h>'. This may be corrected by moving '#endif' from 2 lines prior (closing #ifdef HAVE_SEXY) to after the function started on 140 in this file. Either that or install libsexy-dev. --I'll try to get this submitted to the source (after I figure out how)

Setup the image filesystem

Please see the included help script at the bottom of this article. It should make your life much easier.

The filesystem of the image can be found at /home/moko/build/tmp/rootfs . It is that image that we want to run in a chrooted environment.

We will copy that that rootfs directory somewhere so that subsquent builds (using the MokoMakefile for instance) don't overwrite it.

Make sure you have root privileges:

su -

Copy the rootf into a directory called MokoBox. From now on, we will call the chrooted environment a MokoBox.

cp -r /home/moko/build/tmp/rootfs /home/moko/mokobox

make sure /dev and /proc of the host machine are visible from within mokobox

mount --bind /dev /home/moko/mokobox/dev
mount -t proc none /home/moko/mokobox/proc

start the mokobox

chroot /home/moko/mokobox /bin/sh

In chroot'ed environment

set environment variables


Create pango.modules file

pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules

Create gdk-pixbuf.loaders file

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders

Remove touch screen calibrator. Since touch screen hardware is not present, the touch screen calibration prevents X start-up on PC.

rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xTs_Calibrate

Starting the nested X server

Supplying fonts

You might need to install fonts supplied by OpenMoko to your host system. The easiest way to do is in Gnome is to go Preferences -> Font - > Details -> Go to font folder and then drag and drop TTF font files from build/tmp/rootfs/usr/share/fonts/ in Nautilus.

Launching Xephyr

In another terminal (not related to mokobox), start Xephyr

Xephyr :1 -ac -2button -host-cursor -screen 480x640

Now, back in chroo'ted environment, start X client:

eval $(dbus-launch)

You should see OpenMoko booting in the Xephyr window.


A sample script

The following script sets up the most of root fs environment automatically

# Set-up x86 OpenMoko root jail. This script must be run as root.
# Root jail is an environment, where the file system root has been
# changed to the OpenMoko root file system folder. Please don't
# use the build/rootfs, but make a copy of it, since build/rootfs
# gets overwritten each time you build openmoko-devel-image
# You need to set-up another X server (nested preferably) to 
# act as a OpenMoko screen. Otherwise chrooted applications are executed
# as is on the host hardware and the kernel.
# See: 
# 2007 Mikko Ohtamaa - Red Innovation Ltd.
# <>
# Do anything you wish with this script

# Setup required environment variables

# Xephyr must listen to this DISPLAY

# If we don't have locale, applications refuse to launch

# We are running as root in our chrooted environment


# Update pango modules
pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules

# Update icon images
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders

# Mount /dev and /proc file systems
mount --bind /dev ./dev
mount -t proc none ./proc

# Remove touch screen calibration start up app
# It doesn't launch on x86 and prevents X booting
if [ -e /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xTs_Calibrate ] ; then
        rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xTs_Calibrate

# Use host name server information so that
# web browsing works
cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf

# Enter into chroot jail
chroot . /bin/sh

The goal of this page is to show you how to run an OpenMoko development image on your host x86 development machine in a chrooted environment.

Build an image

First, you'll need to build an openmoko-devel-image. You'll need to edit your local.conf file during build process (before step 5).

You should use Building OpenMoko using the MokoMakefile to build an openmoko-devel-image for your host architecture (x86 in our case). Make sure you put the moko makefile in /home/moko/Makefile .

Prior to that, edit your build/conf/local.conf to make it look like this:

MACHINE = "x86"
DISTRO = "openmoko"
BUILD_ARCH = "i686"
INHERIT += " devshell"
SRCDATE_eds-dbus = "now"

Once you have built the image, you can start working toward running the image.

(User:Flerchjj) I also had to add the following line to "build/conf/local.conf" to get "make openmoko-devel-image" to complete.


Compile may fail on line 140 of koto-field-editor-factory.c

koto-field-editor-factory.c:140: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token

This results from 'SexyIconEntry' being used without '#include <libsexy/sexy-icon-entry.h>'. This may be corrected by moving '#endif' from 2 lines prior (closing #ifdef HAVE_SEXY) to after the function started on 140 in this file. Either that or install libsexy-dev. --I'll try to get this submitted to the source (after I figure out how)

Setup the image filesystem

Please see the included help script at the bottom of this article. It should make your life much easier.

The filesystem of the image can be found at /home/moko/build/tmp/rootfs . It is that image that we want to run in a chrooted environment.

We will copy that that rootfs directory somewhere so that subsquent builds (using the MokoMakefile for instance) don't overwrite it.

Make sure you have root privileges:

su -

Copy the rootf into a directory called MokoBox. From now on, we will call the chrooted environment a MokoBox.

cp -r /home/moko/build/tmp/rootfs /home/moko/mokobox

make sure /dev and /proc of the host machine are visible from within mokobox

mount --bind /dev /home/moko/mokobox/dev
mount -t proc none /home/moko/mokobox/proc

start the mokobox

chroot /home/moko/mokobox /bin/sh

In chroot'ed environment

set environment variables


Create pango.modules file

pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules

Create gdk-pixbuf.loaders file

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders

Remove touch screen calibrator. Since touch screen hardware is not present, the touch screen calibration prevents X start-up on PC.

rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xTs_Calibrate

Starting the nested X server

Supplying fonts

You might need to install fonts supplied by OpenMoko to your host system. The easiest way to do is in Gnome is to go Preferences -> Font - > Details -> Go to font folder and then drag and drop TTF font files from build/tmp/rootfs/usr/share/fonts/ in Nautilus.

Launching Xephyr

In another terminal (not related to mokobox), start Xephyr

Xephyr :1 -ac -2button -host-cursor -screen 480x640

Now, back in chroo'ted environment, start X client:

eval $(dbus-launch)

You should see OpenMoko booting in the Xephyr window.


A sample script

The following script sets up the most of root fs environment automatically

# Set-up x86 OpenMoko root jail. This script must be run as root.
# Root jail is an environment, where the file system root has been
# changed to the OpenMoko root file system folder. Please don't
# use the build/rootfs, but make a copy of it, since build/rootfs
# gets overwritten each time you build openmoko-devel-image
# You need to set-up another X server (nested preferably) to 
# act as a OpenMoko screen. Otherwise chrooted applications are executed
# as is on the host hardware and the kernel.
# See: 
# 2007 Mikko Ohtamaa - Red Innovation Ltd.
# <>
# Do anything you wish with this script

# Setup required environment variables

# Xephyr must listen to this DISPLAY

# If we don't have locale, applications refuse to launch

# We are running as root in our chrooted environment


# Update pango modules
pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules

# Update icon images
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders

# Mount /dev and /proc file systems
mount --bind /dev ./dev
mount -t proc none ./proc

# Remove touch screen calibration start up app
# It doesn't launch on x86 and prevents X booting
if [ -e /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xTs_Calibrate ] ; then
        rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xTs_Calibrate

# Use host name server information so that
# web browsing works
cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf

# Enter into chroot jail
chroot . /bin/sh