Neo 1973/ru

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FIC-neo1973 small.jpg

Neo1973 это первый телефон разработанный для выполнения среды OpenMoko. Телефон произведен компанией FIC, которая инициировала проект OpenMoko.

Разделы Neo1973 Hardware и Disassembling Neo1973 подробнее информируют об аппаратной составляющей.

Разделы OpenMoko, OpenMokoFramework, MokoMakefile и Development resources подробнее информируют об исходных текстах программного обеспечения.

Смотрите раздел FAQ с прочими часто возникающими вопросами.


  • Фаза 0: 36 разработчиков получили предназначенные для них телефоны. [1]
  • Фаза 1: В конце апреля вероятнее всего пройдет Официальный Запуск Разработчиком (смотрите далее). Присоединяйтесь к списку почтовой рассылки анонсов, чтобы получить уведомление об этом.
    • Есть некоторые проблемы со стабильностью, их причины могут быть как в аппаратуре, так в программном обеспечении. This is one of those areas that could be resolved quickly or could require another hardware spin. The OpenMoko Team at 2007-04-02.
    • As of April 2, the first V4 boards are under testing. There are not yet volumes of V4 boards. Absolute earliest volume shipping will happen as soon as possible after it is made sure everything works as expected.*** -- roh
    • In an interview on the German CCC express radio, Harald mentioned first week of April as a likely date for Phase 1 [2]
    • Two weeks before the first phase-1 devices are to be shipped by Mickey at 2007-03-24. This would be end of the first week of April.
    • Once goes online, there will be a possibility to pre-order the Neo1973. [3]
    • Order the Neo1973 direct from for US$350 plus shipping. Sales and orders will be worldwide. We are specifically targeting open source community developers.
    • There also will be shipping from EU.[4] [5]
    • At this time the phone will be a working touchscreen phone, but little more. It depends on you and the rest of the community to polish it into a fully usable device.
    • FIC can make as many phones as developers can buy. There might be 6 week delay at most if estimate is wrong. [6]
    • A few weeks after this, announcements will be made of the roadmap to future devices.
  • Phase 1+: Details of this hardware refresh around June [7] (relevant slide visible here too) will be made available at the same time as the announcement of phase 1 availability.[8]
    • The hardware will update with a faster CPU and "something else everyone has been asking for". (Said at 30:20 in the FOSDEM video.) Which is presumably either a camera or wifi.
    • The thing we can promise at this point is a faster CPU. We're still working on the WiFi stuff.[9]
    • Help is needed in finding WiFi Chipset with GPL'ed drivers that is suitable for mobile phones.
    • WiFi: The choice seems to have boiled down to designs around Atheros AR6K or Marvell 8686. [10]
    • There will be no changes in housing. [11]
    • It will probably include an upgrade to 1GB on-board flash. [12]
    • There will be discount for those that bought Phase 1 device. More info will be available before we start selling phase 1 phones. [13] [14]
  • Phase 2: September 11, Mass Market Sale. [15]
    • Online sales will continue.
    • We will also be available in a retail stores and from selected carriers around the world.
    • At this point, we hope your Mom and Dad will want to buy a Neo1973, too.
  • The 2nd generation OpenMoko device will be introduced at this time. We have something special in the works, but again, you will help shape this device.

FIC-neo1973 small.jpg

Neo1973 это первый телефон разработанный для выполнения среды OpenMoko. Телефон произведен компанией FIC, которая инициировала проект OpenMoko.

Разделы Neo1973 Hardware и Disassembling Neo1973 подробнее информируют об аппаратной составляющей.

Разделы OpenMoko, OpenMokoFramework, MokoMakefile и Development resources подробнее информируют об исходных текстах программного обеспечения.

Смотрите раздел FAQ с прочими часто возникающими вопросами.


  • Фаза 0: 36 разработчиков получили предназначенные для них телефоны. [1]
  • Фаза 1: В конце апреля вероятнее всего пройдет Официальный Запуск Разработчиком (смотрите далее). Присоединяйтесь к списку почтовой рассылки анонсов, чтобы получить уведомление об этом.
    • Есть некоторые проблемы со стабильностью, их причины могут быть как в аппаратуре, так в программном обеспечении. This is one of those areas that could be resolved quickly or could require another hardware spin. The OpenMoko Team at 2007-04-02.
    • As of April 2, the first V4 boards are under testing. There are not yet volumes of V4 boards. Absolute earliest volume shipping will happen as soon as possible after it is made sure everything works as expected.*** -- roh
    • In an interview on the German CCC express radio, Harald mentioned first week of April as a likely date for Phase 1 [2]
    • Two weeks before the first phase-1 devices are to be shipped by Mickey at 2007-03-24. This would be end of the first week of April.
    • Once goes online, there will be a possibility to pre-order the Neo1973. [3]
    • Order the Neo1973 direct from for US$350 plus shipping. Sales and orders will be worldwide. We are specifically targeting open source community developers.
    • There also will be shipping from EU.[4] [5]
    • At this time the phone will be a working touchscreen phone, but little more. It depends on you and the rest of the community to polish it into a fully usable device.
    • FIC can make as many phones as developers can buy. There might be 6 week delay at most if estimate is wrong. [6]
    • A few weeks after this, announcements will be made of the roadmap to future devices.
  • Phase 1+: Details of this hardware refresh around June [7] (relevant slide visible here too) will be made available at the same time as the announcement of phase 1 availability.[8]
    • The hardware will update with a faster CPU and "something else everyone has been asking for". (Said at 30:20 in the FOSDEM video.) Which is presumably either a camera or wifi.
    • The thing we can promise at this point is a faster CPU. We're still working on the WiFi stuff.[9]
    • Help is needed in finding WiFi Chipset with GPL'ed drivers that is suitable for mobile phones.
    • WiFi: The choice seems to have boiled down to designs around Atheros AR6K or Marvell 8686. [10]
    • There will be no changes in housing. [11]
    • It will probably include an upgrade to 1GB on-board flash. [12]
    • There will be discount for those that bought Phase 1 device. More info will be available before we start selling phase 1 phones. [13] [14]
  • Phase 2: September 11, Mass Market Sale. [15]
    • Online sales will continue.
    • We will also be available in a retail stores and from selected carriers around the world.
    • At this point, we hope your Mom and Dad will want to buy a Neo1973, too.
  • The 2nd generation OpenMoko device will be introduced at this time. We have something special in the works, but again, you will help shape this device.