
From Openmoko

Revision as of 19:50, 16 September 2008 by MinhHaDuong (Talk | contribs)

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This page is a stub about making Openmoko pretty, waiting for .

One may change the Splash screen, Customize Application Icons, change Ringtones and customize the windows decoration with Edje. But there is not much yet by way of ready-to-use themes for changing the look and feel of the phone with `opkg'.

Where to find themes

A Tango variant for Illume based distros is at [1].

A GTK theme for the tango theme is at [2]

The Enlightenment exchange repository has themes, modules and applications.

There are a few background images for the Display Locker screen in Om 2007.2.

This page is a stub about making Openmoko pretty, waiting for .

One may change the Splash screen, Customize Application Icons, change Ringtones and customize the windows decoration with Edje. But there is not much yet by way of ready-to-use themes for changing the look and feel of the phone with `opkg'.

Where to find themes

A Tango variant for Illume based distros is at [1].

A GTK theme for the tango theme is at [2]

The Enlightenment exchange repository has themes, modules and applications.

There are a few background images for the Display Locker screen in Om 2007.2.