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Revision as of 01:13, 23 August 2008 by DolfjeBot1 (Talk | contribs)

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What is Mofi?

Mofi is software for the Openmoko platform allowing phone users to search for and connect to available wireless access points (APs)

Where can I download Mofi?

Mofi is available on the Openmoko forge at

Download the latest package at

or alternatively, get the source from

See #Installation for info on how to install Mofi..

More Information

Mofi is written in Python and leverages the PyGTK library. Mofi stores AP passwords in a configuration file, scans APs within range and generates a wpa_supplicant.conf from the information found. The system then uses the wpa_supplicant.conf to connect to the first accessible AP.

The Gnome UI can be used to view available access points, and specify which access point is preferred.

Information on the project can be found on the Moko forge at

An RSS feed is also available at containing latest news for the project.

Using Mofi

One change enables the disconnect functionality in 0.03 beta, which greatly increases the usability of Mofi. Just add the following to the end of /usr/lib/mofi/

killall wpa_supplicant
killall udhcpc

This makes it possible to (I believe) shut down the wifi to conserve battery. You should also be able to connect at home, use the wifi, then disconnect, take the phone to your local wifi hotspot, then connect again, without trouble (I'm using FSO, and have yet to test the hotspot theory, however).


Through opkg

just scp the ipk to your Freerunner, then install using opkg:

scp mofi_0.02_armv4t.ipk  root@

ssh root@
 > cd /tmp/
 > opkg install mofi_0.02_armv4t.ipk

To run on your Freerunner:

from the main menu choose the Applications section then "Wifi Mofi". Alternatively, mofi can be run from the console by typing mofi

From source

You'll have to add some dependencies:

opkg install python-core python-misc python-lang python-subprocess python-threading python-pygtk python-pygobject

there are some more, but when you try to run these will be indicated.. please post the additional dependencies to the project bug list, cheers:

run ./ - this will set up the environment and move files to your freerunner. note you may have to change the value of FREERUNNER to point to the correct IP..

then to run mofi open the console on your Freerunner and type

You can also download the nightly SVN tree snapshot from

Screen Shots

Mofi pass.png

Mofi connect.png

What is Mofi?

Mofi is software for the Openmoko platform allowing phone users to search for and connect to available wireless access points (APs)

Where can I download Mofi?

Mofi is available on the Openmoko forge at

Download the latest package at

or alternatively, get the source from

See #Installation for info on how to install Mofi..

More Information

Mofi is written in Python and leverages the PyGTK library. Mofi stores AP passwords in a configuration file, scans APs within range and generates a wpa_supplicant.conf from the information found. The system then uses the wpa_supplicant.conf to connect to the first accessible AP.

The Gnome UI can be used to view available access points, and specify which access point is preferred.

Information on the project can be found on the Moko forge at

An RSS feed is also available at containing latest news for the project.

Using Mofi

One change enables the disconnect functionality in 0.03 beta, which greatly increases the usability of Mofi. Just add the following to the end of /usr/lib/mofi/

killall wpa_supplicant
killall udhcpc

This makes it possible to (I believe) shut down the wifi to conserve battery. You should also be able to connect at home, use the wifi, then disconnect, take the phone to your local wifi hotspot, then connect again, without trouble (I'm using FSO, and have yet to test the hotspot theory, however).


Through opkg

just scp the ipk to your Freerunner, then install using opkg:

scp mofi_0.02_armv4t.ipk  root@

ssh root@
 > cd /tmp/
 > opkg install mofi_0.02_armv4t.ipk

To run on your Freerunner:

from the main menu choose the Applications section then "Wifi Mofi". Alternatively, mofi can be run from the console by typing mofi

From source

You'll have to add some dependencies:

opkg install python-core python-misc python-lang python-subprocess python-threading python-pygtk python-pygobject

there are some more, but when you try to run these will be indicated.. please post the additional dependencies to the project bug list, cheers:

run ./ - this will set up the environment and move files to your freerunner. note you may have to change the value of FREERUNNER to point to the correct IP..

then to run mofi open the console on your Freerunner and type

You can also download the nightly SVN tree snapshot from

Screen Shots

Mofi pass.png

Mofi connect.png