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(Backing up the incremental rsync hardlink way: -cr)
m (Backing-up flash images)
Line 97: Line 97:
Starting DFU Upload of partition 'kernel'
Starting DFU Upload of partition 'kernel'

Revision as of 20:41, 15 October 2009


Backing up just PIM data

The following applies to all Qtopia PIM suite based derivations (FDOM, 2008.8, Qtopia). PIM data covers:

* Contacts, calendar appointments, and tasks
* E-Mails and text messages

To make a backup which can be easily restored later on use secure copy:

scp -pr root@ .
scp -pr root@ .

To restore do the reverse:

scp -pr Applications root@
scp -pr Documents root@

Make sure you restart to allow the Qtopia PIM suite to see the changes:


This way we can flash applicable distributions with minimal effort without loosing important data. To access the PIM data on the computer take a look at the following files and folders:

  • Contacts, calendar appointments, and tasks are kept in ~/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite.
  • E-Mails and text messages are kept in ~/Applications/qtmail/mail/.

Backing up just /home/root

To backup the home folder (all your personal files in theory).

From the desktop pc run:

ssh root@phone 'tar -cpz /home/root' > moko-home-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`.tar.gz

Where phone is the ip address of your phone (

Personally I added an entry to /etc/hosts so the above works for me. I also added the desktop key to /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the phone as per the instructions in USB_Networking#SSH_Keys.

If you want to check what is in the backup, run the following, replacing the filename with what was just created.

tar -tzf moko-home-20080802-203108.tar.gz | less


Backing up everything

You may either :

Backing-up flash images

NOTE: Upload support is currently broken - #676, #1843

You will need the Dfu-util to make a backup of your existing image.

As when flashing, you will need to be in U-Boot in the NOR Flash. Log into the NOR uBoot menu and select Set console to USB (for FreeRunner just stay in NOR uBoot menu, do not select or enter anything). Now you will be able to flash, make backups of your FreeRunner or query the FreeRunner with dfu-util. Backup is fairly slow; it took over ten minutes to back up a 247 MB rootfs.

It is important that you connect the USB cable directly from your computer to your phone. If there is a hub between them, backup (and flashing) will mostly likely fail.

NOTE: On a Windows host, omit the "./" or "sudo ./" that precedes the commands listed on this page

sudo ./dfu-util -a kernel -R -U good-kernel.bin
sudo ./dfu-util -a rootfs -R -U good-rootfs.jffs2
sudo ./dfu-util -a splash -R -U good-splash.bin
sudo ./dfu-util -a u-boot -R -U good-u-boot.bin
sudo ./dfu-util -a u-boot_env -R -U good-u-boot_env.bin

Here is what a successful dfu-util backup run looks like:

on the host PC:

$ sudo ./dfu-util -a kernel -R -U good-kernel.img
dfu-util - (C) 2007 by Openmoko Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

Opening USB Device 0x0000:0x0000...
Claiming USB DFU Runtime Interface...
Determining device status: state = appIDLE, status = 0
Device really in Runtime Mode, send DFU detach request...
Resetting USB...
Opening USB Device...
Found Runtime: [0x1d50:0x5119] devnum=12, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=3, name="kernel"
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
Transfer Size = 0x1000
Resetting USB to switch back to runtime mode

on the FreeRunner:

DFU: Switching to DFU Mode
Starting DFU Upload of partition 'kernel'

A failed run of dfu-util looks like this:

dfu-util - (C) 2007 by Openmoko Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

Opening USB Device 0x0000:0x0000...
Claiming USB DFU Runtime Interface...
Determining device status: state = appIDLE, status = 0
Device really in Runtime Mode, send DFU detach request...
Resetting USB...
Opening USB Device...
Found Runtime: [0x1d50:0x5119] devnum=20, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=6, name="rootfs"
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
Transfer Size = 0x1000
dfu_upload error -110

And shows demsg errors like this:

usb 5-2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd dfu-util rqt 161 rq 2 len 4096 ret -110

This error is detected within the Linux USB stack (drivers/usb/core/message.c) and looking at errno.h for the negatived error status number, the reason is e.g.

110 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out
84 EILSEQ Illegal byte sequence
108 ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown

Insure yourself, that you connect the FR directly to the computer (without any USB hubs), if you experience timed out connections and use the

dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 ...

option, if the FR is not detected properly.

Backing-up flash images (alternative)

On the device:

mkdir /var/tmp/root
mount /dev/root /var/tmp/root

If you have om2008.9 you have to use:

mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock6 /var/tmp/root

On your workstation:

ssh root@ "mkfs.jffs2 -d /var/tmp/root -e 128 --pad --no-cleanmarkers -x lzo" | pv -W > rootfs.jffs2

(The "| pv -W" is optional, it just gives you something to watch as the bytes fly by.)

On the device:

umount /var/tmp/root

Backing-up in a tar archive

ssh root@ "tar c /bin /etc /home /lib /opt /sbin /tmp /usr /var" | pv -W > rootfs.tar

(The "| pv -W" is optional, it just gives you something to watch as the bytes fly by.)

Extract it and use mkfs.jffs2 if you want convert it to a jffs2 image.

Backup Scripts

If you plan on backing up frequently, using a script will simplify the process:

Simple backup script

This script works well if you want to configure it to backup always the same device.

# Back up all partitions of the phone to a backup directory,
# adding today's date to the saved filenames.

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`

${DFU} -a kernel -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}kernel-${DATE}.bin
${DFU} -a rootfs -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}rootfs-${DATE}.jffs2
${DFU} -a splash -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}splash-${DATE}.bin
${DFU} -a u-boot -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}u-boot-${DATE}.bin
${DFU} -a u-boot_env -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}u-boot_env-${DATE}.bin

Interactive script

This script is based on the above "Simple backup script" (by unknown). It does the backup of what you want and choose promting you for choices. Enjoy it! test it! contribute! You can find us at /server /j #openmoko and we'll be pleased to accept you help (ideas || code).

NOTE that the script works for me(tm) but it still needs some love. especially on traps and catches for wrong choices.


##                                                                                                         ##
## This script is Free Software, it's licensed under the GPLv3 and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY              ##
## you can find and read the complete version of the GPLv3 @          ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## Q: what does this script do?                                                                            ##
## A: the script back up all partitions of the phone to a backup directory, interactively,                 ## 
##    adding today's date to the saved filenames.                                                          ##
##                                                                                                         ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## based on the orginal simple backup script at                       ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## this version has been conceived and written by cga, x77686d, Infoport, jomat at /server
## /j #openmoko,#bash and my collegue aubba @ work.                                                        ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## for any suggestions and contributions contact cga (or one of the above) in the #openmoko channel        ##
##                                                                                                         ##

## let's roll!!

## sets the date format for the date in the backup file, change accordingly to your local custom if you need
DATE=`date +%d-%m-%Y`

## here the scripts try to find the dfu-util binary and set it as the DFU var:
if which dfu-util >/dev/null ; then
	echo "dfu-util found in your path"
	## 1 the function use this if you placed/linked dfu-util in your $PATH

elif ls dfu-util >/dev/null ; then
	echo "dfu-util found in current directory" 
	## or 2 use following line if dfu-util is placed in the same directory where you run the script
	## or 3 if the script doesn't find dfu-util shows the link for installing it and exit
	echo "dfu-util NOT found! install and use howto @"
	exit 1

## here we get the hex code for devices found with dfu-util --list 
## the hex code is grabbed and the name of the device is shown accordingly and you are prompetd to chose the right one:
echo 'these are the devices i found:' 
for device in `${DFU} --list | grep 0x | cut -f3 -d' ' | tr -d '[]'` ; do
	if [ "$device" == '0x1457:0x5119' ] ; then
		echo 'Neo 1973'
	elif [ "$device" == '0x1d50:0x5119' ] ;	then
		echo "Neo FreeRunner"
		echo 'other device found, DO NOT use dfu-util on this!!! it might bork it...'
		exit 1
done | nl
echo 'choose the device to backup:' 
read selection
HEX=$(${DFU} --list | grep 0x | head -n $selection | tail -1 | cut -f3 -d' ' | tr -d '[]') 

## use the built-in read command to ask you and use the directory for the backup
while [ -z "$BACKUP_DIR" ] ; do
	read -e -p $"enter the directory for the backup:" BACKUP_DIR

	## chek wether the dir exist and proceed, else create it and proceed.
	if [ ! -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ] ; then
		echo -n "$BACKUP_DIR does not exist, create it? [Y/n] "
		if [ x"$CREATE_DIR" = xy -o x"$CREATE_DIR" = xY -o -z "$CREATE_DIR" ] ; then
			mkdir -p -v "${BACKUP_DIR}"

## here you get prompted to chose the backup you want, you can backup single files or all of them.
echo 'choose the component to backup from the list:'

select howto in kernel splash u-boot u-boot_env rootfs all quit; do
	if [ "$howto" == "kernel" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a kernel -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/kernel-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "splash" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a splash -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/splash-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "u-boot" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a u-boot -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/u-boot-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "u-boot_env" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a u-boot_env -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/u-boot_env-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "rootfs" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a rootfs -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/rootfs-${DATE}.jffs2
	if [ "$howto" == "quit" ] ; then
		exit 0
	echo 'the component(s) has/have been backed up, what next? (press enter for menu)'

exit 0

Pretty GUI Script

NeoTool is a zenity-based script which allows you to both backup and Flash your device from a pretty GUI. It uses both the dfu-util method and the alternate method described on this page, and can produce flashable images of everything including rootfs. Check it out.

Backing up the incremental rsync hardlink way

Following is a very simple implementation of incremental rsync snapshots with hardlinks. Just put it to /etc/cron.daily/backup-neo on your PC and setup ssh keys between your PC and neo. It will then daily try to backup all files in the / partition. Each successful backup is hardlinked under a timestamped directory so you can access old backups easily. In fact, you can even NFS mount /backup/neo to phone and then chroot inside the backups to run programs in the backup'ed environment.

# /etc/cron.daily/backup-neo
rsync --delete -ax --numeric-ids /backup/neo/latest 2>  /dev/null

case $ret in
        # backup done, let's save it
        cp -al /backup/neo/latest /backup/neo/`date -I`
        # neo was not at home
        echo "backup failed with return value $ret"

Backing up internal flash when booted on external SD-card

mkdir internal_flash
mount /dev/mtdblock6 internal_flash -t jffs2

Now you can pack directory or copy selected files out from it.

(This mounting is usefull also if your internal operating system is non-bootable. You can get files out or even repair the system using operating system on external card.)


Backing up just PIM data

The following applies to all Qtopia PIM suite based derivations (FDOM, 2008.8, Qtopia). PIM data covers:

* Contacts, calendar appointments, and tasks
* E-Mails and text messages

To make a backup which can be easily restored later on use secure copy:

scp -pr root@ .
scp -pr root@ .

To restore do the reverse:

scp -pr Applications root@
scp -pr Documents root@

Make sure you restart to allow the Qtopia PIM suite to see the changes:


This way we can flash applicable distributions with minimal effort without loosing important data. To access the PIM data on the computer take a look at the following files and folders:

  • Contacts, calendar appointments, and tasks are kept in ~/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite.
  • E-Mails and text messages are kept in ~/Applications/qtmail/mail/.

Backing up just /home/root

To backup the home folder (all your personal files in theory).

From the desktop pc run:

ssh root@phone 'tar -cpz /home/root' > moko-home-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`.tar.gz

Where phone is the ip address of your phone (

Personally I added an entry to /etc/hosts so the above works for me. I also added the desktop key to /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the phone as per the instructions in USB_Networking#SSH_Keys.

If you want to check what is in the backup, run the following, replacing the filename with what was just created.

tar -tzf moko-home-20080802-203108.tar.gz | less


Backing up everything

You may either :

Backing-up flash images

NOTE: Upload support is currently broken - #676, #1843

You will need the Dfu-util to make a backup of your existing image.

As when flashing, you will need to be in U-Boot in the NOR Flash. Log into the NOR uBoot menu and select Set console to USB (for FreeRunner just stay in NOR uBoot menu, do not select or enter anything). Now you will be able to flash, make backups of your FreeRunner or query the FreeRunner with dfu-util. Backup is fairly slow; it took over ten minutes to back up a 247 MB rootfs.

It is important that you connect the USB cable directly from your computer to your phone. If there is a hub between them, backup (and flashing) will mostly likely fail.

NOTE: On a Windows host, omit the "./" or "sudo ./" that precedes the commands listed on this page

sudo ./dfu-util -a kernel -R -U good-kernel.bin
sudo ./dfu-util -a rootfs -R -U good-rootfs.jffs2
sudo ./dfu-util -a splash -R -U good-splash.bin
sudo ./dfu-util -a u-boot -R -U good-u-boot.bin
sudo ./dfu-util -a u-boot_env -R -U good-u-boot_env.bin

Here is what a successful dfu-util backup run looks like:

on the host PC:

$ sudo ./dfu-util -a kernel -R -U good-kernel.img
dfu-util - (C) 2007 by Openmoko Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

Opening USB Device 0x0000:0x0000...
Claiming USB DFU Runtime Interface...
Determining device status: state = appIDLE, status = 0
Device really in Runtime Mode, send DFU detach request...
Resetting USB...
Opening USB Device...
Found Runtime: [0x1d50:0x5119] devnum=12, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=3, name="kernel"
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
Transfer Size = 0x1000
Resetting USB to switch back to runtime mode

on the FreeRunner:

DFU: Switching to DFU Mode
Starting DFU Upload of partition 'kernel'

A failed run of dfu-util looks like this:

dfu-util - (C) 2007 by Openmoko Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

Opening USB Device 0x0000:0x0000...
Claiming USB DFU Runtime Interface...
Determining device status: state = appIDLE, status = 0
Device really in Runtime Mode, send DFU detach request...
Resetting USB...
Opening USB Device...
Found Runtime: [0x1d50:0x5119] devnum=20, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=6, name="rootfs"
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
Transfer Size = 0x1000
dfu_upload error -110

And shows demsg errors like this:

usb 5-2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd dfu-util rqt 161 rq 2 len 4096 ret -110

This error is detected within the Linux USB stack (drivers/usb/core/message.c) and looking at errno.h for the negatived error status number, the reason is e.g.

110 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out
84 EILSEQ Illegal byte sequence
108 ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown

Insure yourself, that you connect the FR directly to the computer (without any USB hubs), if you experience timed out connections and use the

dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 ...

option, if the FR is not detected properly.

Backing-up flash images (alternative)

On the device:

mkdir /var/tmp/root
mount /dev/root /var/tmp/root

If you have om2008.9 you have to use:

mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock6 /var/tmp/root

On your workstation:

ssh root@ "mkfs.jffs2 -d /var/tmp/root -e 128 --pad --no-cleanmarkers -x lzo" | pv -W > rootfs.jffs2

(The "| pv -W" is optional, it just gives you something to watch as the bytes fly by.)

On the device:

umount /var/tmp/root

Backing-up in a tar archive

ssh root@ "tar c /bin /etc /home /lib /opt /sbin /tmp /usr /var" | pv -W > rootfs.tar

(The "| pv -W" is optional, it just gives you something to watch as the bytes fly by.)

Extract it and use mkfs.jffs2 if you want convert it to a jffs2 image.

Backup Scripts

If you plan on backing up frequently, using a script will simplify the process:

Simple backup script

This script works well if you want to configure it to backup always the same device.

# Back up all partitions of the phone to a backup directory,
# adding today's date to the saved filenames.

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`

${DFU} -a kernel -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}kernel-${DATE}.bin
${DFU} -a rootfs -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}rootfs-${DATE}.jffs2
${DFU} -a splash -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}splash-${DATE}.bin
${DFU} -a u-boot -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}u-boot-${DATE}.bin
${DFU} -a u-boot_env -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}u-boot_env-${DATE}.bin

Interactive script

This script is based on the above "Simple backup script" (by unknown). It does the backup of what you want and choose promting you for choices. Enjoy it! test it! contribute! You can find us at /server /j #openmoko and we'll be pleased to accept you help (ideas || code).

NOTE that the script works for me(tm) but it still needs some love. especially on traps and catches for wrong choices.


##                                                                                                         ##
## This script is Free Software, it's licensed under the GPLv3 and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY              ##
## you can find and read the complete version of the GPLv3 @          ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## Q: what does this script do?                                                                            ##
## A: the script back up all partitions of the phone to a backup directory, interactively,                 ## 
##    adding today's date to the saved filenames.                                                          ##
##                                                                                                         ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## based on the orginal simple backup script at                       ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## this version has been conceived and written by cga, x77686d, Infoport, jomat at /server
## /j #openmoko,#bash and my collegue aubba @ work.                                                        ##
##                                                                                                         ##
## for any suggestions and contributions contact cga (or one of the above) in the #openmoko channel        ##
##                                                                                                         ##

## let's roll!!

## sets the date format for the date in the backup file, change accordingly to your local custom if you need
DATE=`date +%d-%m-%Y`

## here the scripts try to find the dfu-util binary and set it as the DFU var:
if which dfu-util >/dev/null ; then
	echo "dfu-util found in your path"
	## 1 the function use this if you placed/linked dfu-util in your $PATH

elif ls dfu-util >/dev/null ; then
	echo "dfu-util found in current directory" 
	## or 2 use following line if dfu-util is placed in the same directory where you run the script
	## or 3 if the script doesn't find dfu-util shows the link for installing it and exit
	echo "dfu-util NOT found! install and use howto @"
	exit 1

## here we get the hex code for devices found with dfu-util --list 
## the hex code is grabbed and the name of the device is shown accordingly and you are prompetd to chose the right one:
echo 'these are the devices i found:' 
for device in `${DFU} --list | grep 0x | cut -f3 -d' ' | tr -d '[]'` ; do
	if [ "$device" == '0x1457:0x5119' ] ; then
		echo 'Neo 1973'
	elif [ "$device" == '0x1d50:0x5119' ] ;	then
		echo "Neo FreeRunner"
		echo 'other device found, DO NOT use dfu-util on this!!! it might bork it...'
		exit 1
done | nl
echo 'choose the device to backup:' 
read selection
HEX=$(${DFU} --list | grep 0x | head -n $selection | tail -1 | cut -f3 -d' ' | tr -d '[]') 

## use the built-in read command to ask you and use the directory for the backup
while [ -z "$BACKUP_DIR" ] ; do
	read -e -p $"enter the directory for the backup:" BACKUP_DIR

	## chek wether the dir exist and proceed, else create it and proceed.
	if [ ! -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ] ; then
		echo -n "$BACKUP_DIR does not exist, create it? [Y/n] "
		if [ x"$CREATE_DIR" = xy -o x"$CREATE_DIR" = xY -o -z "$CREATE_DIR" ] ; then
			mkdir -p -v "${BACKUP_DIR}"

## here you get prompted to chose the backup you want, you can backup single files or all of them.
echo 'choose the component to backup from the list:'

select howto in kernel splash u-boot u-boot_env rootfs all quit; do
	if [ "$howto" == "kernel" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a kernel -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/kernel-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "splash" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a splash -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/splash-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "u-boot" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a u-boot -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/u-boot-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "u-boot_env" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a u-boot_env -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/u-boot_env-${DATE}.bin
	if [ "$howto" == "rootfs" -o "$howto" == "all" ] ; then
		${DFU} -d ${HEX} -a rootfs -R -U ${BACKUP_DIR}/rootfs-${DATE}.jffs2
	if [ "$howto" == "quit" ] ; then
		exit 0
	echo 'the component(s) has/have been backed up, what next? (press enter for menu)'

exit 0

Pretty GUI Script

NeoTool is a zenity-based script which allows you to both backup and Flash your device from a pretty GUI. It uses both the dfu-util method and the alternate method described on this page, and can produce flashable images of everything including rootfs. Check it out.

Backing up the incremental rsync hardlink way

Following is a very simple implementation of incremental rsync snapshots with hardlinks. Just put it to /etc/cron.daily/backup-neo on your PC and setup ssh keys between your PC and neo. It will then daily try to backup all files in the / partition. Each successful backup is hardlinked under a timestamped directory so you can access old backups easily. In fact, you can even NFS mount /backup/neo to phone and then chroot inside the backups to run programs in the backup'ed environment.

# /etc/cron.daily/backup-neo
rsync --delete -ax --numeric-ids /backup/neo/latest 2>  /dev/null

case $ret in
        # backup done, let's save it
        cp -al /backup/neo/latest /backup/neo/`date -I`
        # neo was not at home
        echo "backup failed with return value $ret"

Backing up internal flash when booted on external SD-card

mkdir internal_flash
mount /dev/mtdblock6 internal_flash -t jffs2

Now you can pack directory or copy selected files out from it.

(This mounting is usefull also if your internal operating system is non-bootable. You can get files out or even repair the system using operating system on external card.)
