PIM VCard converter vcard2om.pl

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m (New page: Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card. Create an icon by copying one <tt>midori.desktop</tt> to <tt>convertvcf.desktop</tt> and change the settings with nano editor. The ...)
Line 23: Line 23:
my $newline  = "<br>";
my $newline  = "<br>";
#my $table_begin = "\n";
#my $table_end  = "\n";
#my $row_head_begin = "\n";
#my $row_head_end  = "\n";
#my $row_begin = "\n";
#my $row_end  = "\n";
#my $col_begin = "";
#my $col_end  = "---";
#my $newline  = "\n";
my $line;
my $name;
my $tel_work_voice;
my $tel_work_fax;
my $tel_home;
my $tel_pager;
my $tel_cell;
my $tel_voice;
my $email;
my $flocking = 1;
my $flocking = 1;

Revision as of 21:05, 19 August 2009

Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card.

Create an icon by copying one midori.desktop to convertvcf.desktop and change the settings with nano editor. The Exec command is perl /home/root/bin/vcard2om.pl. Install perl before with:

 opkg install perl

An now the script:


my %options = ();
$options{infile}  = "/media/card/pim/contacts.vcf";
$options{outfile} = "/home/root/.evolution/vCards.html";
my $outformat = "html";
my $table_begin = "<table border='1'>";
my $table_end   = "</table>";
my $row_head_begin = "<TR bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\">";
my $row_head_end   = "</TR>\n";
my $row_begin = "<tr>";
my $row_end   = "</tr>";
my $col_begin = "<td><span style=\"font-size:0.3em\">";
my $col_end   = "</span></td>";
my $newline   = "<br>";

my $flocking = 1;
my @FileArray = ();
my @OutFileArray = ();
my %OutFileHash  = ();
my $OUTFORMAT = uc($outformat);

my @SplitArray      = ();
my @SplitArrayID    = ();
my @SplitArrayValue = (); 
my @IDarray         = ();
my %AdressHash  = ();

#my %options=();
#&GetOptions( \%options, "help|?", "infile=s", "outfile=s")
#    or &usage;

if( $options{"help"} ) {
    &usage("Parameter: --help");
if( defined $options{"infile"} ) {
  print "\n Input file:  ".$options{"infile"}." loaded\n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -infile=myfilename.vcf");
if( defined $options{"outfile"} ) {
  print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." \n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -outfile=myoutfilename.csv");
print "\nStart parsing file....";
print "\n----------------------";

print "\n";
my $newID = "";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $line (@FileArray) {
  if  ( $line  =~ /^BEGIN\:VCARD/ ) {
      $count = $count + 1;
      print "\nParse record $count " ;
      %AdressHash = ();
  } elsif ($line =~ /^VERSION\:/) {
      print "in $line";
  } elsif ( $line =~ /^END\:VCARD/ ) {
      print "\ndone";
      #&show_hash(\%AdressHash,"Record $count");
      my $vID = $AdressHash{LastName}." ".$AdressHash{FirstName};
      $OutFileHash{$vID} = &create_string_from_hash(\%AdressHash);
  } else {
    ## EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK:themail@example.net
    @SplitArray = split(/\:/,$line);
    ## SplitArray[0]= EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK
    ## SplitArray[0]= themail@example.net
    ## Convert to HTML
    @SplitArrayID = split(/;/,$SplitArray[0]);
    ## SplitArray2[0]= EMAIL
    ## SplitArray2[1]= INTERNET
    ## SplitArray2[2]= WORKFile
    @SplitArrayValue = split(/;/,$SplitArray[1]);
    $SplitArray[1] = &modify_fileline($SplitArray[1]);
    my $i = 0;
    foreach (@SplitArrayValue) {
       $SplitArrayValue[$i] = &modify_fileline($SplitArrayValue[$i]);
    ## The Values could also be separated by ";"
    print "\n$count: $line";
   # Now we decide what to do with the vCard Content 
   # e-Mail
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^EMAIL/ ) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $SplitArray[1];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[1] =~ /([a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+)/) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $1;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+//g;
   # Name
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^N[;]*/ ) {
	$AdressHash{LastName}  = $SplitArrayValue[0];
	$AdressHash{FirstName} = $SplitArrayValue[1];
   # Adress
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^ADR[;]*/ ) {
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\n/$newline/g;
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\,/,/g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\//g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\/$//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/ $//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/,$//g; 
	$AdressHash{Adress}    = $SplitArray[1];
   # Fax and Phone
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /FAX/ ) {
        $AdressHash{Fax} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL;WORK/) {
        $AdressHash{TelWork} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL/ )  {
        if ($SplitArrayValue[0] =~ /^01/) {
             $AdressHash{Mobil} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
        } else {
	     $AdressHash{Tel} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
  }; ## main if-elsif-else
}; ## end foreach 
@OutFileArray = ("<html>\n<head>\n","<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
my @OutFileIDs = keys(%OutFileHash);
foreach my $vID (sort @OutFileIDs) {
print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." saved\n";
print "\nUsed ID in vCard file ".$options{infile};
#@IDarray = ("ID1","ID2","ID3");
print "\n".&create_array_line("",\@IDarray," ");
print "\n";
# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub create_string_from_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
        my $vReturnString = $row_head_begin;
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
            $ppHash->{Tel} = $ppHash->{Mobil};
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
           $ppHash->{Tel} = "W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork};
  	$vReturnString .= $col_begin.$ppHash->{LastName}.", ".$ppHash->{FirstName}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_head_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $ppHash->{Tel} =~ s/[^ 0-9\-\/ W:]//g;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."T: ".$ppHash->{Tel}.$col_end;
        if ($ppHash->{Fax} eq "") {
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."eM: ".$ppHash->{EMail}.$col_end; 
        } else { 
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Fax: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Mob: ".$ppHash->{Mobil}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Adr: ".$ppHash->{Adress}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        return $vReturnString;
## usage is displayed, if no parameter inserted

sub usage {
	my $pOutput = "";
	if (defined $_[0]) {
		$pOutput = $_[0];
    print <<EOUsage;
$0 [options]

    --help                    DFileisplay this help message
    --infile  <filename>      File that will be parsed in vCard format
    --outfile <filename>      File that will be generated in $OUTFORMAT format



# void* load_textfile ($dateiname, \@zeilen_rueckgabewert)
# Der Inhalt von $dateiname wird zeilenweise nach @{\@zeilen_rueckgabewert}
# gepumpt. Scheint dazu gedacht zu sein, Datenbankinhalte in den Speicher
# zu holen; wird kaum verwendet.
sub load_textfile {
	my $pFilename =  @_[0];
	my $ppLines   =  @_[1]; 
	if(!-e $pFilename) {
		print "\n ERROR\n$pFilename does not exist.\n";
	} else {
		open (LOADTEXTFILE, "<$pFilename") or print $!;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 2;}
			@{$ppLines} = <LOADTEXTFILE>;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 8;}
 		foreach my $fileline(@{$ppLines}) {
	}	} 

# void* save_textfile ($dateiname, \@dateiinhalt);
# Schreibt die Daten aus @{\@dateiinhalt} nach $dateiname;
sub save_textfile {
	my $pFilename = $_[0];
	my $ppLines   = $_[1]; 
	if ($pFilename eq "") {
		print "\n ERROR\nNo Filename specified in parameter (save_textfile():103.\n";
	open (SAVETEXTFILE, ">$pFilename") or print $!;
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 2;}
		foreach my $fileline (@{$ppLines}) {
			print SAVETEXTFILE "$fileline\n";
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 8;}

# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub show_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "\nShow Hash:  $pTitle $table_begin";
	print "$table_end\n";

sub show_hash_header {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayKeys   = keys(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_head_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayKeys) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_head_end;

sub show_hash_line {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayValues = values(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayValues) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub show_array {
	my $ppArray       =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "Show Array $pTitle $table_begin";
        print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
	print $table_end;

#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub create_array_line {
	my $pPreSeparator  =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ppArray        =  $_[1]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pPostSeparator =  $_[2]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ReturnString = "";
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		$ReturnString .= "$pPreSeparator$item$pPostSeparator";
        return $ReturnString;

# Modify Fileline and return modified content	#

sub modify_fileline {
	my $pFileLine = $_[0];
	my $BakFileLine = $pFileLine;
	$pFileLine =~ s/^[ ;]+//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[;]+/, /g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/\\,$/,/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[ ,]+$//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[\\][n]$/$newline/g;
	#### CHANGE FILE ##########################
	$pFileLine =~ s/ä/ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ö/ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ü/ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ä/Ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ö/Ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ü/Ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ß/ß/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/´/'/g;
	if ($BakFileLine ne $pFileLine) {
	    print "\nCHANGES: ".$pFileLine."\n"
	return $pFileLine;

#### append an ID to an array if the ID is not in the array
sub append_ID {
    my $ppArray =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
    my $pNewID  =  $_[1];
    my $found = 0;
    #$pNewID =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]//g; 
    foreach my $oldID (@{$ppArray}) {
        if ($pNewID eq $oldID) {
            $found = 1;
    if ($found == 0) {

Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card.

Create an icon by copying one midori.desktop to convertvcf.desktop and change the settings with nano editor. The Exec command is perl /home/root/bin/vcard2om.pl. Install perl before with:

 opkg install perl

An now the script:


my %options = ();
$options{infile}  = "/media/card/pim/contacts.vcf";
$options{outfile} = "/home/root/.evolution/vCards.html";
my $outformat = "html";
my $table_begin = "<table border='1'>";
my $table_end   = "</table>";
my $row_head_begin = "<TR bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\">";
my $row_head_end   = "</TR>\n";
my $row_begin = "<tr>";
my $row_end   = "</tr>";
my $col_begin = "<td><span style=\"font-size:0.3em\">";
my $col_end   = "</span></td>";
my $newline   = "<br>";

my $flocking = 1;
my @FileArray = ();
my @OutFileArray = ();
my %OutFileHash  = ();
my $OUTFORMAT = uc($outformat);

my @SplitArray      = ();
my @SplitArrayID    = ();
my @SplitArrayValue = (); 
my @IDarray         = ();
my %AdressHash  = ();

#my %options=();
#&GetOptions( \%options, "help|?", "infile=s", "outfile=s")
#    or &usage;

if( $options{"help"} ) {
    &usage("Parameter: --help");
if( defined $options{"infile"} ) {
  print "\n Input file:  ".$options{"infile"}." loaded\n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -infile=myfilename.vcf");
if( defined $options{"outfile"} ) {
  print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." \n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -outfile=myoutfilename.csv");
print "\nStart parsing file....";
print "\n----------------------";

print "\n";
my $newID = "";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $line (@FileArray) {
  if  ( $line  =~ /^BEGIN\:VCARD/ ) {
      $count = $count + 1;
      print "\nParse record $count " ;
      %AdressHash = ();
  } elsif ($line =~ /^VERSION\:/) {
      print "in $line";
  } elsif ( $line =~ /^END\:VCARD/ ) {
      print "\ndone";
      #&show_hash(\%AdressHash,"Record $count");
      my $vID = $AdressHash{LastName}." ".$AdressHash{FirstName};
      $OutFileHash{$vID} = &create_string_from_hash(\%AdressHash);
  } else {
    ## EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK:themail@example.net
    @SplitArray = split(/\:/,$line);
    ## SplitArray[0]= EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK
    ## SplitArray[0]= themail@example.net
    ## Convert to HTML
    @SplitArrayID = split(/;/,$SplitArray[0]);
    ## SplitArray2[0]= EMAIL
    ## SplitArray2[1]= INTERNET
    ## SplitArray2[2]= WORKFile
    @SplitArrayValue = split(/;/,$SplitArray[1]);
    $SplitArray[1] = &modify_fileline($SplitArray[1]);
    my $i = 0;
    foreach (@SplitArrayValue) {
       $SplitArrayValue[$i] = &modify_fileline($SplitArrayValue[$i]);
    ## The Values could also be separated by ";"
    print "\n$count: $line";
   # Now we decide what to do with the vCard Content 
   # e-Mail
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^EMAIL/ ) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $SplitArray[1];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[1] =~ /([a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+)/) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $1;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+//g;
   # Name
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^N[;]*/ ) {
	$AdressHash{LastName}  = $SplitArrayValue[0];
	$AdressHash{FirstName} = $SplitArrayValue[1];
   # Adress
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^ADR[;]*/ ) {
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\n/$newline/g;
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\,/,/g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\//g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\/$//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/ $//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/,$//g; 
	$AdressHash{Adress}    = $SplitArray[1];
   # Fax and Phone
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /FAX/ ) {
        $AdressHash{Fax} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL;WORK/) {
        $AdressHash{TelWork} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL/ )  {
        if ($SplitArrayValue[0] =~ /^01/) {
             $AdressHash{Mobil} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
        } else {
	     $AdressHash{Tel} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
  }; ## main if-elsif-else
}; ## end foreach 
@OutFileArray = ("<html>\n<head>\n","<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
my @OutFileIDs = keys(%OutFileHash);
foreach my $vID (sort @OutFileIDs) {
print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." saved\n";
print "\nUsed ID in vCard file ".$options{infile};
#@IDarray = ("ID1","ID2","ID3");
print "\n".&create_array_line("",\@IDarray," ");
print "\n";
# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub create_string_from_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
        my $vReturnString = $row_head_begin;
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
            $ppHash->{Tel} = $ppHash->{Mobil};
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
           $ppHash->{Tel} = "W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork};
  	$vReturnString .= $col_begin.$ppHash->{LastName}.", ".$ppHash->{FirstName}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_head_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $ppHash->{Tel} =~ s/[^ 0-9\-\/ W:]//g;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."T: ".$ppHash->{Tel}.$col_end;
        if ($ppHash->{Fax} eq "") {
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."eM: ".$ppHash->{EMail}.$col_end; 
        } else { 
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Fax: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Mob: ".$ppHash->{Mobil}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Adr: ".$ppHash->{Adress}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        return $vReturnString;
## usage is displayed, if no parameter inserted

sub usage {
	my $pOutput = "";
	if (defined $_[0]) {
		$pOutput = $_[0];
    print <<EOUsage;
$0 [options]

    --help                    DFileisplay this help message
    --infile  <filename>      File that will be parsed in vCard format
    --outfile <filename>      File that will be generated in $OUTFORMAT format



# void* load_textfile ($dateiname, \@zeilen_rueckgabewert)
# Der Inhalt von $dateiname wird zeilenweise nach @{\@zeilen_rueckgabewert}
# gepumpt. Scheint dazu gedacht zu sein, Datenbankinhalte in den Speicher
# zu holen; wird kaum verwendet.
sub load_textfile {
	my $pFilename =  @_[0];
	my $ppLines   =  @_[1]; 
	if(!-e $pFilename) {
		print "\n ERROR\n$pFilename does not exist.\n";
	} else {
		open (LOADTEXTFILE, "<$pFilename") or print $!;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 2;}
			@{$ppLines} = <LOADTEXTFILE>;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 8;}
 		foreach my $fileline(@{$ppLines}) {
	}	} 

# void* save_textfile ($dateiname, \@dateiinhalt);
# Schreibt die Daten aus @{\@dateiinhalt} nach $dateiname;
sub save_textfile {
	my $pFilename = $_[0];
	my $ppLines   = $_[1]; 
	if ($pFilename eq "") {
		print "\n ERROR\nNo Filename specified in parameter (save_textfile():103.\n";
	open (SAVETEXTFILE, ">$pFilename") or print $!;
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 2;}
		foreach my $fileline (@{$ppLines}) {
			print SAVETEXTFILE "$fileline\n";
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 8;}

# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub show_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "\nShow Hash:  $pTitle $table_begin";
	print "$table_end\n";

sub show_hash_header {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayKeys   = keys(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_head_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayKeys) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_head_end;

sub show_hash_line {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayValues = values(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayValues) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub show_array {
	my $ppArray       =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "Show Array $pTitle $table_begin";
        print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
	print $table_end;

#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub create_array_line {
	my $pPreSeparator  =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ppArray        =  $_[1]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pPostSeparator =  $_[2]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ReturnString = "";
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		$ReturnString .= "$pPreSeparator$item$pPostSeparator";
        return $ReturnString;

# Modify Fileline and return modified content	#

sub modify_fileline {
	my $pFileLine = $_[0];
	my $BakFileLine = $pFileLine;
	$pFileLine =~ s/^[ ;]+//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[;]+/, /g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/\\,$/,/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[ ,]+$//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[\\][n]$/$newline/g;
	#### CHANGE FILE ##########################
	$pFileLine =~ s/ä/ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ö/ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ü/ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ä/Ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ö/Ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ü/Ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ß/ß/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/´/'/g;
	if ($BakFileLine ne $pFileLine) {
	    print "\nCHANGES: ".$pFileLine."\n"
	return $pFileLine;

#### append an ID to an array if the ID is not in the array
sub append_ID {
    my $ppArray =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
    my $pNewID  =  $_[1];
    my $found = 0;
    #$pNewID =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]//g; 
    foreach my $oldID (@{$ppArray}) {
        if ($pNewID eq $oldID) {
            $found = 1;
    if ($found == 0) {