Import Vcf Contacts

From Openmoko

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Line 215: Line 215:
Select distinct nickname, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix,
Select distinct nickname, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix,
profession, b_webpage, company, office, department, jobtitle, default_email,
profession, b_webpage, company, office, department, jobtitle, default_email,
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone,  
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone,
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile,  
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile,
cpn3.phone_number as Home_VOIP,  
cpn3.phone_number as Home_VOIP,
cpn4.phone_number as Home_Fax,  
cpn4.phone_number as Home_Fax,
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,  
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,
cpn6.phone_number as Business_Mobile,  
cpn6.phone_number as Business_Mobile,
cpn7.phone_number as Business_VOIP,  
cpn7.phone_number as Business_VOIP,
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax,  
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax,
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager,
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager,
h_webpage, spouse, gender, birthday, anniversary from contacts
h_webpage, spouse, gender, birthday, anniversary from contacts
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513
Line 244: Line 244:
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9  
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;
I needed the vcf file for other purposes and found a script [] on to convert a tab seperated value to a vcf file.
So I used this ugly thing:
sqlite3 $1 'Select distinct firstname, lastname, middlename, \
nickname, default_email,title,  \
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,\
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone, \
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax, \
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager, \
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile from contacts \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1 \
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2 \
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3 \
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4 \
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn5 \
on contacts.recid=cpn5.recid and cpn5.phone_type=2 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn6 \
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7 \
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8 \
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9 \
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;'\
| sed 's/|/\t/g' > addressbook.tsv
put the output through tsv2vcf:
perl tsv2vcf addressbook.tsv addressbook.vcf
and got a usable vcf File, with some problems with special chars.
== Export raw config (including contacts) with Qtopia ==
== Export raw config (including contacts) with Qtopia ==

Revision as of 22:56, 22 October 2008

To copy your contacts from other devices or desktop systems, you can use the VCF VCard format. This page explains how to export your contacts from various systems and how to import the resulting file on on Openmoko smartphone.


Exporting old contacts to VCard format

To use the import tools you need your Contacts in VCF format.

  1. On nokia phones use the Nokia phone manager Citation needed
  1. On windows mobile phones you could use active sync to sync with Outlook and then use a Outlook VCF export plugin below
  2. On LG phones the backup function to memory card creates one file with multiple VCards


Evolution can export only to VCF version 3.0, so you need to post-process the exported file.

  • Select Contacts, then File > Save Address Book as VCard and save to your desired destination.
  • Use the following command to remove evolution's proprietary fields and convert the file to an encoding Om2008.8 will understand (replace old.vcf to the filename you chose for export of your addressbook in evolution):
sed -r -e 's/"X-EVOLUTION-CALLBACK"/MSG/g' \
-e 's/;TYPE=([^,]+),[^;]+([;:])/;TYPE=\1\2/g' \
-e 's/;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=[0-9]//g' old.vcf \
| iconv -t ISO-8859-1 > new.vcf

Note that if you run into errors like

found unknown attribute in vobject, TEL 

then there are probably still occurrences of X-EVOLUTION- fields that need to be removed. Also note that the above script converts your addressbook file to ISO-8859-1 (see last line), as its native UTF-8 apparently isn't recognized by Om2008.8. If necessary, eplace ISO-8859-1 by a encoding that better suits your needs.


To export VCF from Thunderbird:

  • Get "MoreFunctionsForAddressBook" from
  • Install the downloaded *.xpi file in Thunderbird
  • Open address book
  • Select address book to export (not a contact or set of contacts!)
  • Right click and export to Vcf format (or use the Tools menu, Actions for AddressBooks) (If gray, you did not select an addressbook.)
  • Select destination folder

Outlook / ActiveSync to VCF

To export VCF from Outlook, open Outlook, then open the VB editor by pressing ALT-F11, Insert a module, and paste in the following. Change "Z:\Openmoko\contacts" to wherever you want your vcf files saved (should be an existing, empty directory), and press F5 to run it.


Sub ExportContactsToVCF()

'Cheap and nasty way to export All Contacts to VCF files.
'By Dale Maggee, antisol (at) earthling (dot) net

Dim CN As ContactItem
Dim NS As NameSpace
Dim Fld As MAPIFolder

Set NS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Fld = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)

For Each CN In Fld.Items
Debug.Print CN.FullName
CN.SaveAs "z:\Openmoko\contacts\" & CN.FullName & ".vcf", olVCard
Next CN

MsgBox "Done!"

End Sub

voila! you now have multiple VCF files in whatever directory you chose, suitable to be imported by the Om 2007.2 python script below. (However not suitable for the addressbook tool of Om 2008.8.)

Mac OS X Addressbook

To export VCF:

  1. Set the vCard Format to 2.1 in the config dialog
  2. Select all contacts and say "export vcard"
  3. Despite having selected the charset to be utf-8 you may need to do:

iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 vCards.vcf | sed 's/CHARSET=LATIN1://g' > all.vcf

Import (and export?) on Om 2008.8 and Qtopia

The Qtopia addressbook application supports import of VCF files out of the box. However, since there is a bug, if there are non-ASCII characters in your contacts you cannot use the version 3 format, otherwise you get multibyte UTF-8 characters mangled. Use the version 2.1 to get the encoding stated explicitly and thus characters imported correctly. But because there is another bug, when using version 2.1 vCards, the addressbook eats up all memory (and potentionally crashes the system) on some vCards with multiline entries.

If you're connected via SSH, run the following command first:

export DISPLAY=:0

(So that the addressbook will show on your phone. If you do not that and try to run addressbook locally on your computer display, you won't be able to use the application since the needed buttons will not show.)

Then you can simply run:

addressbook path_to_vCards_file_to_import.vcf

Make sure your contact list has extension .vcf.

You will be asked if you want to import the contacts form addressbook.vcf (the contact name will be taken from the "N:" vCard field).

To import a huge number of contacts, single .vcf files can be merged together using:

cat *.vcf > all.tmp mv all.tmp all.vcf

then import all.vcf

Tip: If you want to prevent crashing your system if the memory leak occurs, set some limit on memory available to use, so that only the addressbook application dies after reaching the limit. I.e. prior to running the import, do something like:

ulimit -v 50000

If the above does not work, here are the original import guidelines:

To import your address book from VCard format (ASU/<=Qtopia 4.3.2-080808 snapshot):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qtopia/lib /opt/Qtopia/bin/addressbook /home/root/addressbook.vcf

To import your address book from VCard format (>=Qtopia 4.3.2 stable):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Nokia/Qtopia/lib /opt/Nokia/Qtopia/bin/addressbook /home/root/addressbook.vcf

To import your address book from VCard format (>=QTextended 4.4.1 stable):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/lib /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/bin/addressbook /home/root/addressbook.vcf

Mass Delete

The Qtopia addressbook doesn't seem to have a delete all function, which means that botching a vcf import is a painful process to undo through the phone GUI.

If you want to delete your entire addressbook or do other mass edits then you'll need access to a command line or GUI SQLite client (SQLite Database Browser seems to be a good, free one, though the SQLite command line client should be fine).


  • Shutdown Qtopia
  • Use the client you have chosen to open up /home/root/Applications/qtopia_sqlite.db.
  • Important tables: contacts, contactphonenumbers, contactaddresses
  • Restart Qtopia when you're done and you should have a reset addressbook.

On Om 2008.8

  • Install sqlite3
  • Open the database
  • Delete all data from the contacts tables This will erase all your contacts and contact categories.
opkg install sqlite3
sqlite3 /home/root/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite

delete from contactcategories;
delete from contactaddresses;
delete from contactcustom;
delete from contactphonenumbers;
delete from contacts;

The first two are shell commands, the delete commands must by typed in the sqlite> prompt which appears after the sqlite3 command. Prompt is not included here to allow copy/paste.


Make sure you have sqlite3 client installed

opkg install sqlite3

Now we can play with the PIM database file located at


Exporting to VCF can be done via qtmail's 'send all' function (which only supports sms, bluetooth). Exporting all the contacts to a VCF file has yet to be documented. Here is Vasco Névoa's contribution to export to a tab-delimited file:

sqlite3 ~/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite \
'Select distinct nickname, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix, \
profession, b_webpage, company, office, department, jobtitle, default_email, \
phone_number, h_webpage, spouse, gender, birthday, anniversary from contacts, \
contactphonenumbers where contacts.recid=contactphonenumbers.recid;'\
| sed 's/|/\t/g' > addressbook.txt

Vasco says:

Each contact that has more than one phone number will appear multiple
times because I haven't yet come up with a clean way to show the "join"
between the "contacts" and "contactphonenumbers" tables, so for now it
just duplicates the whole line, with the only difference being the phone
number. Also, this still does not take care of contacts with multiple email
addresses, so it is just a work in progress (but better than nothing if you're
in a jam).

Anyone versed in SQL will be able to hack this into a full VCF file
generator... or you can just go the Python or Perl way (but I prefer to use
the nice tools already in place - SQL is pretty powerful if you know how).

You can export all your contact's phone numbers on the same line with this SQL query. This works because the contactphonenumbers table has limited phone_type values. We can't do the same left outer join query for the emails because there can be an unlimited count of emails per contacts.

Select distinct nickname, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix,
profession, b_webpage, company, office, department, jobtitle, default_email,
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone,
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile,
cpn3.phone_number as Home_VOIP,
cpn4.phone_number as Home_Fax,
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,
cpn6.phone_number as Business_Mobile,
cpn7.phone_number as Business_VOIP,
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax,
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager,
h_webpage, spouse, gender, birthday, anniversary from contacts

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn5
on contacts.recid=cpn5.recid and cpn5.phone_type=2

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn6
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;

I needed the vcf file for other purposes and found a script [1] on to convert a tab seperated value to a vcf file. So I used this ugly thing:

sqlite3 $1 'Select distinct firstname, lastname, middlename, \
nickname, default_email,title,  \
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,\
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone, \
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax, \
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager, \
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile from contacts \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1 \
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2 \
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3 \
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4 \
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn5 \
on contacts.recid=cpn5.recid and cpn5.phone_type=2 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn6 \
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7 \
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8 \
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9 \
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;'\
| sed 's/|/\t/g' > addressbook.tsv

put the output through tsv2vcf:

perl tsv2vcf addressbook.tsv addressbook.vcf

and got a usable vcf File, with some problems with special chars.

Export raw config (including contacts) with Qtopia

scp root@ /tmp/ sqlite3 /tmp/qtopia_db.sqlite .dump

Then you can grep the output for your contacts.

Import and export for 2007.2

Basic Information

Neo FreeRunner uses Evolution data server (eds) to save contacts. However, the specific version used differs from what is probably used on your desktop (if you have Evolution installed).

You cannot copy your addressbook.db from your desktop to Neo (bug 1119).

Import and Manage Scripts

If you want to import your old contacts to the Neo you could use this script:

Manage Contacts script mirror

If you first want to remove all existing contacts you could use this script.

remove all script

If you have all contacts in seperate vcf files and just want to import all at once:

Simple script

Simple script for one big contactsfile

(please add a .py after the filename, sorry my hoster gives an error if i link to .py files, even .py.txt)

In the simple scripts you need to add the following lines ps = os.popen ('ps auxwwwwe | grep -m 1 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS') l = () r = re.compile ('DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=(\S+)') m = (l) a = m.expand ('\\1') os.environ ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] = a


The script is for the 2007.2 Version (default install on Neo FreeRunner), not for Qtopia

You need Python to use this script so do a

opkg install python-dbus

to install python and the python dbus module

Manage Contacts Script

This script needs all contacts in one big file

You also could run this script on a ssh session!

  1. Copy your big contacts file (contacts.txt) to your Neo
  2. Copy script to your Neo
  3. Connect via ssh to your Neo
  4. Fix special chars in your contacts file with you favorite text editor
  5. To import the file run on the SSH shell:

python load < contacts.txt

  1. For a backup your existing contacts on the Neo

python dump > contacts.txt

Simple Script

You must run the script in the OM Terminal, not over ssh

The script does a listdir and imports ALL files it found in that dir. (i'm a bad python programmer)

  1. Copy all vcf files to a separate directory on my freerunner
  2. Copy the ac script to the parent directory also on my freerunner
  3. Have the contacts program running (so you have eds running too)
  4. Go to the terminal on the freerunner and type in the vcf directory: "python ../ac" (root@om-gta02:~/vcf# python ../ac)
    1. Note: You must call the script in the OM terminal not via Bluetooth or USB or you get a dbus error. Using "dbus-launch python ../ac" doesn't work either.
  5. Done :D


  • Make sure you have python and python-dbus installed
  • Make sure you have no illegal chars (utf) in the filename and inside the vcf files. (I had problems with Ü,Ä etc)
    • The characters seem to work if you convert them from =C3=A4 type of format to proper UTF-8, and the vcards also specify UTF-8 charset. you cannot use other charsets besides UTF-8 since they are delivered via DBus which does not allow others.
  • Only vcf files should be in your current directory so do a ../ac.
  • You must call the script in the OM terminal not via Bluetooth or USB. If you do so a dbus error occur


  • Simple script by smurfy - phil <openmoko at>
  • Manage Contacts script by Roland Mas <lolando at>
  • Remove all Contacts script / simple script for one big file by Andreas Dalsgaard <andreas.dalsgaard at>

Thanks to Import_Sim_Contacts for the original Python Script.

To copy your contacts from other devices or desktop systems, you can use the VCF VCard format. This page explains how to export your contacts from various systems and how to import the resulting file on on Openmoko smartphone.

Exporting old contacts to VCard format

To use the import tools you need your Contacts in VCF format.

  1. On nokia phones use the Nokia phone manager Citation needed
  1. On windows mobile phones you could use active sync to sync with Outlook and then use a Outlook VCF export plugin below
  2. On LG phones the backup function to memory card creates one file with multiple VCards


Evolution can export only to VCF version 3.0, so you need to post-process the exported file.

  • Select Contacts, then File > Save Address Book as VCard and save to your desired destination.
  • Use the following command to remove evolution's proprietary fields and convert the file to an encoding Om2008.8 will understand (replace old.vcf to the filename you chose for export of your addressbook in evolution):
sed -r -e 's/"X-EVOLUTION-CALLBACK"/MSG/g' \
-e 's/;TYPE=([^,]+),[^;]+([;:])/;TYPE=\1\2/g' \
-e 's/;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=[0-9]//g' old.vcf \
| iconv -t ISO-8859-1 > new.vcf

Note that if you run into errors like

found unknown attribute in vobject, TEL 

then there are probably still occurrences of X-EVOLUTION- fields that need to be removed. Also note that the above script converts your addressbook file to ISO-8859-1 (see last line), as its native UTF-8 apparently isn't recognized by Om2008.8. If necessary, eplace ISO-8859-1 by a encoding that better suits your needs.


To export VCF from Thunderbird:

  • Get "MoreFunctionsForAddressBook" from
  • Install the downloaded *.xpi file in Thunderbird
  • Open address book
  • Select address book to export (not a contact or set of contacts!)
  • Right click and export to Vcf format (or use the Tools menu, Actions for AddressBooks) (If gray, you did not select an addressbook.)
  • Select destination folder

Outlook / ActiveSync to VCF

To export VCF from Outlook, open Outlook, then open the VB editor by pressing ALT-F11, Insert a module, and paste in the following. Change "Z:\Openmoko\contacts" to wherever you want your vcf files saved (should be an existing, empty directory), and press F5 to run it.


Sub ExportContactsToVCF()

'Cheap and nasty way to export All Contacts to VCF files.
'By Dale Maggee, antisol (at) earthling (dot) net

Dim CN As ContactItem
Dim NS As NameSpace
Dim Fld As MAPIFolder

Set NS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Fld = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)

For Each CN In Fld.Items
Debug.Print CN.FullName
CN.SaveAs "z:\Openmoko\contacts\" & CN.FullName & ".vcf", olVCard
Next CN

MsgBox "Done!"

End Sub

voila! you now have multiple VCF files in whatever directory you chose, suitable to be imported by the Om 2007.2 python script below. (However not suitable for the addressbook tool of Om 2008.8.)

Mac OS X Addressbook

To export VCF:

  1. Set the vCard Format to 2.1 in the config dialog
  2. Select all contacts and say "export vcard"
  3. Despite having selected the charset to be utf-8 you may need to do:

iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 vCards.vcf | sed 's/CHARSET=LATIN1://g' > all.vcf

Import (and export?) on Om 2008.8 and Qtopia

The Qtopia addressbook application supports import of VCF files out of the box. However, since there is a bug, if there are non-ASCII characters in your contacts you cannot use the version 3 format, otherwise you get multibyte UTF-8 characters mangled. Use the version 2.1 to get the encoding stated explicitly and thus characters imported correctly. But because there is another bug, when using version 2.1 vCards, the addressbook eats up all memory (and potentionally crashes the system) on some vCards with multiline entries.

If you're connected via SSH, run the following command first:

export DISPLAY=:0

(So that the addressbook will show on your phone. If you do not that and try to run addressbook locally on your computer display, you won't be able to use the application since the needed buttons will not show.)

Then you can simply run:

addressbook path_to_vCards_file_to_import.vcf

Make sure your contact list has extension .vcf.

You will be asked if you want to import the contacts form addressbook.vcf (the contact name will be taken from the "N:" vCard field).

To import a huge number of contacts, single .vcf files can be merged together using:

cat *.vcf > all.tmp mv all.tmp all.vcf

then import all.vcf

Tip: If you want to prevent crashing your system if the memory leak occurs, set some limit on memory available to use, so that only the addressbook application dies after reaching the limit. I.e. prior to running the import, do something like:

ulimit -v 50000

If the above does not work, here are the original import guidelines:

To import your address book from VCard format (ASU/<=Qtopia 4.3.2-080808 snapshot):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qtopia/lib /opt/Qtopia/bin/addressbook /home/root/addressbook.vcf

To import your address book from VCard format (>=Qtopia 4.3.2 stable):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Nokia/Qtopia/lib /opt/Nokia/Qtopia/bin/addressbook /home/root/addressbook.vcf

To import your address book from VCard format (>=QTextended 4.4.1 stable):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/lib /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/bin/addressbook /home/root/addressbook.vcf

Mass Delete

The Qtopia addressbook doesn't seem to have a delete all function, which means that botching a vcf import is a painful process to undo through the phone GUI.

If you want to delete your entire addressbook or do other mass edits then you'll need access to a command line or GUI SQLite client (SQLite Database Browser seems to be a good, free one, though the SQLite command line client should be fine).


  • Shutdown Qtopia
  • Use the client you have chosen to open up /home/root/Applications/qtopia_sqlite.db.
  • Important tables: contacts, contactphonenumbers, contactaddresses
  • Restart Qtopia when you're done and you should have a reset addressbook.

On Om 2008.8

  • Install sqlite3
  • Open the database
  • Delete all data from the contacts tables This will erase all your contacts and contact categories.
opkg install sqlite3
sqlite3 /home/root/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite

delete from contactcategories;
delete from contactaddresses;
delete from contactcustom;
delete from contactphonenumbers;
delete from contacts;

The first two are shell commands, the delete commands must by typed in the sqlite> prompt which appears after the sqlite3 command. Prompt is not included here to allow copy/paste.


Make sure you have sqlite3 client installed

opkg install sqlite3

Now we can play with the PIM database file located at


Exporting to VCF can be done via qtmail's 'send all' function (which only supports sms, bluetooth). Exporting all the contacts to a VCF file has yet to be documented. Here is Vasco Névoa's contribution to export to a tab-delimited file:

sqlite3 ~/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite \
'Select distinct nickname, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix, \
profession, b_webpage, company, office, department, jobtitle, default_email, \
phone_number, h_webpage, spouse, gender, birthday, anniversary from contacts, \
contactphonenumbers where contacts.recid=contactphonenumbers.recid;'\
| sed 's/|/\t/g' > addressbook.txt

Vasco says:

Each contact that has more than one phone number will appear multiple
times because I haven't yet come up with a clean way to show the "join"
between the "contacts" and "contactphonenumbers" tables, so for now it
just duplicates the whole line, with the only difference being the phone
number. Also, this still does not take care of contacts with multiple email
addresses, so it is just a work in progress (but better than nothing if you're
in a jam).

Anyone versed in SQL will be able to hack this into a full VCF file
generator... or you can just go the Python or Perl way (but I prefer to use
the nice tools already in place - SQL is pretty powerful if you know how).

You can export all your contact's phone numbers on the same line with this SQL query. This works because the contactphonenumbers table has limited phone_type values. We can't do the same left outer join query for the emails because there can be an unlimited count of emails per contacts.

Select distinct nickname, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix,
profession, b_webpage, company, office, department, jobtitle, default_email,
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone,
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile,
cpn3.phone_number as Home_VOIP,
cpn4.phone_number as Home_Fax,
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,
cpn6.phone_number as Business_Mobile,
cpn7.phone_number as Business_VOIP,
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax,
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager,
h_webpage, spouse, gender, birthday, anniversary from contacts

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn5
on contacts.recid=cpn5.recid and cpn5.phone_type=2

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn6
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514

left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;

I needed the vcf file for other purposes and found a script [1] on to convert a tab seperated value to a vcf file. So I used this ugly thing:

sqlite3 $1 'Select distinct firstname, lastname, middlename, \
nickname, default_email,title,  \
cpn5.phone_number as Business_Phone,\
cpn1.phone_number as Home_Phone, \
cpn8.phone_number as Business_Fax, \
cpn9.phone_number as Business_Pager, \
cpn2.phone_number as Home_Mobile from contacts \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn1 \
on contacts.recid=cpn1.recid and cpn1.phone_type=1 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn2 \
on contacts.recid=cpn2.recid and cpn2.phone_type=257 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn3 \
on contacts.recid=cpn3.recid and cpn3.phone_type=769 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn4 \
on contacts.recid=cpn4.recid and cpn4.phone_type=513 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn5 \
on contacts.recid=cpn5.recid and cpn5.phone_type=2 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn6 \
on contacts.recid=cpn6.recid and cpn6.phone_type=258 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn7 \
on contacts.recid=cpn7.recid and cpn7.phone_type=770 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn8 \
on contacts.recid=cpn8.recid and cpn8.phone_type=514 \
left outer join contactphonenumbers as cpn9 \
on contacts.recid=cpn9.recid and cpn9.phone_type=1026;'\
| sed 's/|/\t/g' > addressbook.tsv

put the output through tsv2vcf:

perl tsv2vcf addressbook.tsv addressbook.vcf

and got a usable vcf File, with some problems with special chars.

Export raw config (including contacts) with Qtopia

scp root@ /tmp/ sqlite3 /tmp/qtopia_db.sqlite .dump

Then you can grep the output for your contacts.

Import and export for 2007.2

Basic Information

Neo FreeRunner uses Evolution data server (eds) to save contacts. However, the specific version used differs from what is probably used on your desktop (if you have Evolution installed).

You cannot copy your addressbook.db from your desktop to Neo (bug 1119).

Import and Manage Scripts

If you want to import your old contacts to the Neo you could use this script:

Manage Contacts script mirror

If you first want to remove all existing contacts you could use this script.

remove all script

If you have all contacts in seperate vcf files and just want to import all at once:

Simple script

Simple script for one big contactsfile

(please add a .py after the filename, sorry my hoster gives an error if i link to .py files, even .py.txt)

In the simple scripts you need to add the following lines ps = os.popen ('ps auxwwwwe | grep -m 1 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS') l = () r = re.compile ('DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=(\S+)') m = (l) a = m.expand ('\\1') os.environ ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] = a


The script is for the 2007.2 Version (default install on Neo FreeRunner), not for Qtopia

You need Python to use this script so do a

opkg install python-dbus

to install python and the python dbus module

Manage Contacts Script

This script needs all contacts in one big file

You also could run this script on a ssh session!

  1. Copy your big contacts file (contacts.txt) to your Neo
  2. Copy script to your Neo
  3. Connect via ssh to your Neo
  4. Fix special chars in your contacts file with you favorite text editor
  5. To import the file run on the SSH shell:

python load < contacts.txt

  1. For a backup your existing contacts on the Neo

python dump > contacts.txt

Simple Script

You must run the script in the OM Terminal, not over ssh

The script does a listdir and imports ALL files it found in that dir. (i'm a bad python programmer)

  1. Copy all vcf files to a separate directory on my freerunner
  2. Copy the ac script to the parent directory also on my freerunner
  3. Have the contacts program running (so you have eds running too)
  4. Go to the terminal on the freerunner and type in the vcf directory: "python ../ac" (root@om-gta02:~/vcf# python ../ac)
    1. Note: You must call the script in the OM terminal not via Bluetooth or USB or you get a dbus error. Using "dbus-launch python ../ac" doesn't work either.
  5. Done :D


  • Make sure you have python and python-dbus installed
  • Make sure you have no illegal chars (utf) in the filename and inside the vcf files. (I had problems with Ü,Ä etc)
    • The characters seem to work if you convert them from =C3=A4 type of format to proper UTF-8, and the vcards also specify UTF-8 charset. you cannot use other charsets besides UTF-8 since they are delivered via DBus which does not allow others.
  • Only vcf files should be in your current directory so do a ../ac.
  • You must call the script in the OM terminal not via Bluetooth or USB. If you do so a dbus error occur


  • Simple script by smurfy - phil <openmoko at>
  • Manage Contacts script by Roland Mas <lolando at>
  • Remove all Contacts script / simple script for one big file by Andreas Dalsgaard <andreas.dalsgaard at>

Thanks to Import_Sim_Contacts for the original Python Script.