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Favourite programming language: Ruby

Previous PDA experience: familiar-linux on iPAQ

interested in pim-suites; ecal+dbus+gtk seems enough to build some nice pim applications on OpenMoko.


Ruby including cairo (as of Oct 20), gtk2 and glade2 bindings available! See link below.

dbus seems nice, but there is a clear lack of which libs provide which interfaces over dbus in openmoko/openembedded.

esd/dbus as evolution server seems nice (but is it right?) Revolution (Ruby-evolution) also works. However, the underlying iCal/VCard s*cks bigtime. A business card is not an entry in my address book. An appointment in iCal is OK-ish, but making an appointment is still impossible, even with RFC 2446 in place. Perhaps GUIs just do not show what a user is supposed to do.

But the whole world uses it, so I guess I have no real alternative.

Testing framework for gsmd/libgsmd

Because I find (lib)gsmd lacking in stability, I wrote a little proof of concept for a testing framework in Rspec, which you can find on my own server. The framework emulates/mocks the firmware. This way, you can run the tests on any linux PC.

Any user can write a test for functionality that should work (typically, when they find a bug; developers have higher responsiblities). The behaviour of a test should be predictable. The behaviour of firmware can be set per test, and the behaviour of the application should be put in the When/Then steps of the framework.

External Page

Kero's external OpenMoko page providing screenshots and the ruby feed (and some other code).