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An alternative to NeoCon for connection to one's phone is Picocom.

root@desktop# apt-get install picocom
holmes@desktop$ picocom /dev/ttyACM0
picocom v1.4
port is        : /dev/ttyACM0
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 9600
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
escape is      : C-a
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : ascii_xfr -s -v -l10
receive_cmd is : rz -vv
Terminal ready
In:    usbtty
Out:   usbtty
Err:   usbtty
PCB rev: 0x001
Power: 1000mA
switching led 2 0
switching led 2 1
switching led 2 0
## Executing script at 18050100
mtdparts mtdparts=physmap-flash:-(nor);neo1973-nand:0x00040000(u-boot),0x00040000(u-boot_env),0x00800000(kernel),0x000a0000(splash),0x00040000(factory),0x0f6a0000(rootfs)
GTA02v6 # help
?       - alias for 'help'
askenv  - get environment variables from stdin
autoscr - run script from memory