Community Updates/2009-07-23
From Openmoko
(Redirected from Community Updates/July 23, 2009)
Contents |
Period July 10th to July 23rd, 2009
- FSO MS 5.5 - The team (Mickey, Jan, Daniel, Stefan and lots of contributors!) is proud to release milestone 5.5 codenamed 'In Transit...'. For this milestone, there have been improvements all over the place and we've tied up some loose ends. You can download images for GTA01 and GTA02 here.
New Applications
- nEo Theme 0.1 released.
- a FAST high contrast theme package consisting of an enlightenment (illume) theme, elementary theme, etk theme, libframeworkd-phonegui-efl theme and an icon theme. (the feed doesn't seem to be updated correctly so the themes have to be installed one by one)
- Travel Diary- Travel Diary is an application to write a little diary entry and save it in a .csv file. You then can send this file via a script to your server that generates a .kml file for your friends, and displays a map. You can find the sources (including basic server example scripts) here, or download package here.
- ZIMreader - openZIM project, a free and open source implementation of the ZIM file format. The ZIM file format was created to provide a standard way to make webcontent offline available. Its major usage is to provide Wikipedia content offline, like in Wikipedia DVDs. The openZIM project is sponsored by Wikimedia CH. The ZIMreader provided by openZIM is just an example application, free to use and open source. It has been developed under the name "tntzenoreader" in 2007 by Tommi Mäkitalo, the developer of tntnet (and now lead developer of openZIM), to be used on the german Wikipedia DVD. Marc Bantle has prepared ZIMreader binaries for Freerunner users. Tarball is available here
- Altishock - Would you like to measure height, but haven't got a measure handy? Enter an Openmoko phone with AltiShock on-board! You can get package here
Application Updates
- ElmDentica 0.6.0 - Tuga release
- translatable, and first language is portuguese
- opens links in a browser
- Mokometeo 0.3 - Thanks to Glenn Trigg, a new version of Mokometeo is out. IPK package can be found here. Changes:
- Fixed the problem with the missing question.png on a new install.
- Changed the day labels to a nicer format.
- eneoset - Mike Crash has created small utility with ELM named eneoset. Keep in mind that this is intended for Debian OS using enlightment libraries. Changing USB current limit still doesn't work, but it is able to:
- change backlight
- turn on or off Bluetooth
- turn on or off WiFi
- change USB device/host mode.
- Intone 0.60 - after quite a few tweaks, here is the latest version of Intone. You will need mplayer to use Intone. There is a low CPU consuming mplayer-tremor version here. Openmoko distribution users will need separate version of Intone and might need following dependencies:
Changes in this version of Intone:
- hopefully better top bar in playlist view
- change priority from GUI
- change playing song icon to play in list
- fixes to better support logical order when changing from random → normal and vice versa
- support Bluetooth streaming to A2DP sets from Intone (you'll have to pair the headset yourself)
- experimental support for bluetooth headset control buttons
- better time display on progress bar
- even better scan routine (please rescan your songs for the right names to be picked up)
- some code speedups
- fixed UI break in album art view with long song names
- Literki 0.0.2-r3 This is a new version of your favorite keyboard. The mechanism for showing/hiding the keyboard has changed, now you show/hide Literki by sliding bottom right corner with your finger. You can configure what distance you need to slide. If you just click the bottom right corner, the click goes through to the application, so it (almost) doesn't affect using other applications when the keyboard is hidden. This update is concentrated on using libfreetype for fonts. Screenshot is available here. Literki configuration file explanation is here. Openmoko users will need libfakekey as a dependency. Main changes are:
- it supports Unicode input. Tested only with Polish diacritic signs.
- it looks much nicer
- the keys are much more visible when transparent, thus transparency is on by default
- you can change the font and size
- Saskia is a WiFi management tool. It currently supports WPA-encrypted and open networks, while WEP support is planned for the Future. You can download package, or end user documentation. Openmoko users might need python-wifi package as a dependency.
- BrightPlayer, a fast, lightweight, and easy random music player. The author has released a new version of this software. Major changes are:
- switched to GTK
- ability to change the volume while playing
- lock and unlock the screen
- play music that is aligned to your mood; energizing, or calming.
- openBmap GSM cells / GPS position logger is out: 0.3.2. Main Highlight: now in the Debian feeds! Come and help us build a free database of GSM cells position and coverage!
- The University of São Paulo's intends to join Openmoko development.
- Ben Wilson wrote a wiki page for the un-bricking GTA01 using a simple LPT -> JTAG circuit. It may also work for doing some actual debugging and should be pretty easy to wire up to gta02 as well.
- David Lanzendörfer has managed to boot Openmoko on the HTC-Dream with framebuffer console. That means: Android Linux kernel + Openmoko (Angstrom) user space. If someone is interested in participating the development, you're welcome to help. David started writing wiki on installing Openmoko on HTC-Dream.
- omgps author, Meng Qingyou has announced moving omgps project to new location at
Event News
- 2009-07-08 Embedded development workshop with the Openmoko | A free, two days workshop about embedded Linux development was given at the RMLL by Pierre Pronchery of Bearstech