Nand erase

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To make a NAND erase, you need to connect to your device while in uboot using minicom or cu. The device will usually be called /dev/ttyACM0. You might need to

sudo chown uucp.uucp /dev/ttyACM0

to get the necessary right (even as root). Using cu, you can then access the Neo:

cu -l /dev/ttyACM0

After connecting, you should get a prompt, where you can write:

  1. nand erase clean rootfs
  2. nand erase clean kernel

To make a NAND erase, you need to connect to your device while in uboot using minicom or cu. The device will usually be called /dev/ttyACM0. You might need to

sudo chown uucp.uucp /dev/ttyACM0

to get the necessary right (even as root). Using cu, you can then access the Neo:

cu -l /dev/ttyACM0

After connecting, you should get a prompt, where you can write:

  1. nand erase clean rootfs
  2. nand erase clean kernel