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Revision as of 18:29, 19 July 2009 by Glenn (Talk | contribs)

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The Idea

I want to create an easy-to-use application, allowing the freerunner (gta-02) to connect to wifi and gprs, and add some useful applications such as a slim media-player and a little accelerometers-game..
(momtools = MyOpenMoko tools)

Used Languages

  • Java
  • Python

What it looks like

Right now, the application looks something like this..

The momtools-desktop-launcher
As you can see on the screenshot, there will be several applications you can choose if you are running momtools.
The Application-overview

Basically those will be:
  • A simple File Reader (TXT-Files)
  • A small accelerometers - game
  • A simple media player
  • A gps-tracking tool
  • A Wifi-setup-tool
  • A gprs-setup-tool

The wifi-connection-tool will be held as simple as possible.

The wireless-monitor

If you know setting up wifi on an IPhone, you know what I want for my openmoko..
Turn on the antenna,

  • scan for ap's
  • select ap
  • enter password
  • connect

~ the rest should be done by the phone itself.

Yes, wifi is already working, but I don't like manual editing of wpa_supplicant etc.etc.


I'm in a little delay - sorry, a first release will be available due April 09.
-> the source-code is closed till this date,(I don't like putting out my not-working code..) afterwards everybody can help speeding up my code =)


.. coming soon!


The Idea

I want to create an easy-to-use application, allowing the freerunner (gta-02) to connect to wifi and gprs, and add some useful applications such as a slim media-player and a little accelerometers-game..
(momtools = MyOpenMoko tools)

Used Languages

  • Java
  • Python

What it looks like

Right now, the application looks something like this..

The momtools-desktop-launcher
As you can see on the screenshot, there will be several applications you can choose if you are running momtools.
The Application-overview

Basically those will be:
  • A simple File Reader (TXT-Files)
  • A small accelerometers - game
  • A simple media player
  • A gps-tracking tool
  • A Wifi-setup-tool
  • A gprs-setup-tool

The wifi-connection-tool will be held as simple as possible.

The wireless-monitor

If you know setting up wifi on an IPhone, you know what I want for my openmoko..
Turn on the antenna,

  • scan for ap's
  • select ap
  • enter password
  • connect

~ the rest should be done by the phone itself.

Yes, wifi is already working, but I don't like manual editing of wpa_supplicant etc.etc.


I'm in a little delay - sorry, a first release will be available due April 09.
-> the source-code is closed till this date,(I don't like putting out my not-working code..) afterwards everybody can help speeding up my code =)


.. coming soon!