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Revision as of 21:01, 22 December 2008 by Adriano.carosso (Talk | contribs)

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NEO is dead. NO key combination, NOR external supply can revive it. Time to connect debug board. ... Solved. Disconnect battery, connect ONLY usb an press ONLY aux.

Now i succeded in compiling festival (speech sintesys [ITALIAN]) on my openmoko. For now it wake up me in the morning, saying time and day-of-week (did you notice how poor is clock on NEO?) I'll looking for a safe place where release it.

Anyway, now is time to rock-up NEO wifi...

NEO is dead. NO key combination, NOR external supply can revive it. Time to connect debug board. ... Solved. Disconnect battery, connect ONLY usb an press ONLY aux.

Now i succeded in compiling festival (speech sintesys [ITALIAN]) on my openmoko. For now it wake up me in the morning, saying time and day-of-week (did you notice how poor is clock on NEO?) I'll looking for a safe place where release it.

Anyway, now is time to rock-up NEO wifi...