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Tony Garnock-Jones,

I own a phase-1 Neo1973.

I'm running Erlang with GTK and serial-port extensions on my phone, using it as an openmoko userland replacement (for gsmd/dialer/addressbook etc.).

A few screenshots, not that the GUI is worth anything - the value of the approach is in the lower-level "model"/business-logic part (the gsmd/neod equivalent):

Tony Garnock-Jones,

I own a phase-1 Neo1973.

I'm running Erlang with GTK and serial-port extensions on my phone, using it as an openmoko userland replacement (for gsmd/dialer/addressbook etc.).

A few screenshots, not that the GUI is worth anything - the value of the approach is in the lower-level "model"/business-logic part (the gsmd/neod equivalent):