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I live in Orem UT, USA. I currently work at symantec developing for their backup software, BESR, and BESR-M. I work on the Architecture Team. I have been following the Openmoko project since January. I can't wait to get my Neo1973 and change the world.

Ideas for the Neo1973: Portable TV via a myth box server, myth remote, have some ideas for a dentist and doctors office. Would like to add some ajax apps and other internet integrated software. Would like to play around with some VoIP solutions.

If you would like to contact me my e-mail is


I live in Orem UT, USA. I currently work at symantec developing for their backup software, BESR, and BESR-M. I work on the Architecture Team. I have been following the Openmoko project since January. I can't wait to get my Neo1973 and change the world.

Ideas for the Neo1973: Portable TV via a myth box server, myth remote, have some ideas for a dentist and doctors office. Would like to add some ajax apps and other internet integrated software. Would like to play around with some VoIP solutions.

If you would like to contact me my e-mail is