Manually using scap

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Revision as of 23:02, 18 March 2008 by Emdete (Talk | contribs)

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Screen shot upload service scap

If you don't use the standard gui and your neo lacks the menu entry for scap you can do the same with a simple shell script:

#!/bin/sh -e
fbgrab $n
curl \
 -F file=@$n \
 -F key=secret \
 -F model=`uname -n` \
 -F submit=Upload \
 -F text=no\ comment \
rm $n

you need the packages for curl and fbgrab:

ipkg install fbgrab curl

that's all.

Screen shot upload service scap

If you don't use the standard gui and your neo lacks the menu entry for scap you can do the same with a simple shell script:

#!/bin/sh -e
fbgrab $n
curl \
 -F file=@$n \
 -F key=secret \
 -F model=`uname -n` \
 -F submit=Upload \
 -F text=no\ comment \
rm $n

you need the packages for curl and fbgrab:

ipkg install fbgrab curl

that's all.