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Revision as of 01:22, 24 December 2007 by Zash (Talk | contribs)

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Current phone: Nokia 3310

Random thoughts

  • Option to have icons instead of list in Today applauncher
  • Combined sms & im-app with im-style layout


Some phones that seem nice. Would be nice with OpenMoko on.

  • HP iPAQ 6103
    • Keypad
    • ipod'ish scroll wheel
    • Touch screen
  • HTC Touch Dual
    • Touch screen
    • Slide-out 20-key QWERTY keyboard
    • Would buy if OpenMoko would run on it.
  • LG Viewty
    • Touch screen
    • 5 MP camera
  • Nokia 6500 Slide
    • Least crappy modern Nokia phone

Simple mode


Instead of the face-grid-browser there could be a list with face + name. That would also be better for non touch screen phones.

Current phone: Nokia 3310

Random thoughts

  • Option to have icons instead of list in Today applauncher
  • Combined sms & im-app with im-style layout


Some phones that seem nice. Would be nice with OpenMoko on.

  • HP iPAQ 6103
    • Keypad
    • ipod'ish scroll wheel
    • Touch screen
  • HTC Touch Dual
    • Touch screen
    • Slide-out 20-key QWERTY keyboard
    • Would buy if OpenMoko would run on it.
  • LG Viewty
    • Touch screen
    • 5 MP camera
  • Nokia 6500 Slide
    • Least crappy modern Nokia phone

Simple mode


Instead of the face-grid-browser there could be a list with face + name. That would also be better for non touch screen phones.