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I have a web page with a search engine related to OpenMoko at

My first OpenMoko program:

ipkgorphan (source here)

You can download my packages via ipkg by adding a configuration file in /etc/ipkg/ for my repository. The line to add is:

src/gz custom-armv4t

The list of packages included in my repo is:

  • ipkgorphan
  • settingsgui (web bb source)
  • smstool (web)
  • free42
  • ipkg-link
  • synergy

My nick on IRC is Ghiottone (registered on FreeNode)

Tips collected from IRC:

Tip to mount jffs images (yet to be tested)

# modprobe loop
# modprobe mtdblock
# losetup /dev/loop0 /path/to/imagefile.jffs2
# insmod blkmtd erasesz=256 device=/dev/loop0
# mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt

Something about binary locale generation

put ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION = "0" in your local.conf file

I have a web page with a search engine related to OpenMoko at

My first OpenMoko program:

ipkgorphan (source here)

You can download my packages via ipkg by adding a configuration file in /etc/ipkg/ for my repository. The line to add is:

src/gz custom-armv4t

The list of packages included in my repo is:

  • ipkgorphan
  • settingsgui (web bb source)
  • smstool (web)
  • free42
  • ipkg-link
  • synergy

My nick on IRC is Ghiottone (registered on FreeNode)

Tips collected from IRC:

Tip to mount jffs images (yet to be tested)

# modprobe loop
# modprobe mtdblock
# losetup /dev/loop0 /path/to/imagefile.jffs2
# insmod blkmtd erasesz=256 device=/dev/loop0
# mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt

Something about binary locale generation

put ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION = "0" in your local.conf file