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To be able to test the latest paroli directly on the phone, the simplest method to mount the local paroli source via nfs. Maybe sshfs works too. Need somebody to document sshfs way.



Setting up nfs on the local computer (laptop)

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

The /etc/exports file:

/home/[username]/[path to paroli],sync,no_subtree_check,anonuid=0,anongid=0)

Restart the nfs server:

/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Making connection with the phone

  • usb networking:
sudo ip address add dev usb0

  • ssh in:
ssh root@

Mounting local dir from the phone

mount -t nfs[username]/[path to paroli] /usr/share/nfs-paroli 

Compiling the theme

cd /usr/share/nfs-paroli/paroli-applications; ./

Running paroli

cd /usr/share/nfs-paroli/paroli-scripts; ./

Frequently asked question about nfs

  • Can I map the phone's UID(root) with my local UID (notebookuser=1000)

Sadly NO. There were a map_static option, but it was removed in nfs-kernel-server. Here is a 5 year old bugreport about this issue:
  • Does anongid and anonuid impact the security.

Certainly. It permits to anybody (on your local network) to be able create files with the remote uid. Root(uid=0) in our freerunner case.

  • Shouldn't I add chmod go+w recursively to that mounted dir, to be able creating files?

Yepp, this is the alternative to using anongid/anonuid in /etc/exports.

  • Is there an alternative to nfs?

Yepp, sshfs would be the easiest. Need somebody to figure out the steps, and update this doc.

To be able to test the latest paroli directly on the phone, the simplest method to mount the local paroli source via nfs. Maybe sshfs works too. Need somebody to document sshfs way.


Setting up nfs on the local computer (laptop)

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

The /etc/exports file:

/home/[username]/[path to paroli],sync,no_subtree_check,anonuid=0,anongid=0)

Restart the nfs server:

/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Making connection with the phone

  • usb networking:
sudo ip address add dev usb0

  • ssh in:
ssh root@

Mounting local dir from the phone

mount -t nfs[username]/[path to paroli] /usr/share/nfs-paroli 

Compiling the theme

cd /usr/share/nfs-paroli/paroli-applications; ./

Running paroli

cd /usr/share/nfs-paroli/paroli-scripts; ./

Frequently asked question about nfs

  • Can I map the phone's UID(root) with my local UID (notebookuser=1000)

Sadly NO. There were a map_static option, but it was removed in nfs-kernel-server. Here is a 5 year old bugreport about this issue:
  • Does anongid and anonuid impact the security.

Certainly. It permits to anybody (on your local network) to be able create files with the remote uid. Root(uid=0) in our freerunner case.

  • Shouldn't I add chmod go+w recursively to that mounted dir, to be able creating files?

Yepp, this is the alternative to using anongid/anonuid in /etc/exports.

  • Is there an alternative to nfs?

Yepp, sshfs would be the easiest. Need somebody to figure out the steps, and update this doc.