Manually using Bluetooth

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Revision as of 21:53, 6 April 2007 by Dr kludge (Talk | contribs)

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At the moment, we've just started to introduce Bluetooth into our Neo1973 Hardware.

We have quite a lot of plans about what exactly Bluetooth should be used for.


Bluetooth Functions

HID (Human Input Device)

Being able to use HID devices

We want to be able to use a bluetooth keyboard to type into the various applications of our Neo1973.

Acting as HID device

We want to be able to use the Neo1973 as a HID device, being able to use it as controller for presentations.



Bluetooth should behave just like our usbnet and provide full TCP/IP access to the phone. BNEP has to be used.

On the laptop:

  • Start bluetooth
elara /home/alphaone # /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
  • Start pand as server
elara /home/alphaone # pand -s
  • As soon as pand is started on the phone configure your IP address
elara /home/alphaone # ip a add dev bnep0
elara /home/alphaone # ip l set bnep0 up
  • Configure IP forwarding and masquerading to your liking

On the phone:

  • Insert the module and power up bluetooth
root@fic-gta01:~$ modprobe gta01-pm-bt
root@fic-gta01:~$ echo "1" > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta01-pm-bt.0/power_on 
  • Scan for the laptop
root@fic-gta01:~$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
        00:0E:6D:C0:0l:6A       Sho
        00:20:E0:5A:FE:C8       BlueZ (0)
  • Connect to the laptop pand
root@fic-gta01:~$ pand -c 00:20:E0:5A:FE:C8
  • Configure your IP address
ip a add dev bnep0
ip r add default via
  • Enjoy
root@fic-gta01:~$ wget 
Connecting to[]:8080
thereisnophone.mp3   100****************************************************|   266 KB 00:00:00 ETA
root@fic-gta01:~$ madplay thereisnophone.mp3 
MPEG Audio Decoder 0.15.2 (beta) - Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Robert Leslie et al.
630 frames decoded (0:00:22.6), -0.9 dB peak amplitude, 0 clipped samples


Further reading

At the moment, we've just started to introduce Bluetooth into our Neo1973 Hardware.

We have quite a lot of plans about what exactly Bluetooth should be used for.

Bluetooth Functions

HID (Human Input Device)

Being able to use HID devices

We want to be able to use a bluetooth keyboard to type into the various applications of our Neo1973.

Acting as HID device

We want to be able to use the Neo1973 as a HID device, being able to use it as controller for presentations.



Bluetooth should behave just like our usbnet and provide full TCP/IP access to the phone. BNEP has to be used.

On the laptop:

  • Start bluetooth
elara /home/alphaone # /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
  • Start pand as server
elara /home/alphaone # pand -s
  • As soon as pand is started on the phone configure your IP address
elara /home/alphaone # ip a add dev bnep0
elara /home/alphaone # ip l set bnep0 up
  • Configure IP forwarding and masquerading to your liking

On the phone:

  • Insert the module and power up bluetooth
root@fic-gta01:~$ modprobe gta01-pm-bt
root@fic-gta01:~$ echo "1" > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta01-pm-bt.0/power_on 
  • Scan for the laptop
root@fic-gta01:~$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
        00:0E:6D:C0:0l:6A       Sho
        00:20:E0:5A:FE:C8       BlueZ (0)
  • Connect to the laptop pand
root@fic-gta01:~$ pand -c 00:20:E0:5A:FE:C8
  • Configure your IP address
ip a add dev bnep0
ip r add default via
  • Enjoy
root@fic-gta01:~$ wget 
Connecting to[]:8080
thereisnophone.mp3   100****************************************************|   266 KB 00:00:00 ETA
root@fic-gta01:~$ madplay thereisnophone.mp3 
MPEG Audio Decoder 0.15.2 (beta) - Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Robert Leslie et al.
630 frames decoded (0:00:22.6), -0.9 dB peak amplitude, 0 clipped samples


Further reading