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m (Script to download OSM maps)
(Script to download OSM maps)
Line 81: Line 81:
  def doIt(cmd):
  def doIt(cmd):
   if False:
  def getOsms(basename, minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon):
  def getOsms(basename, minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon):

Revision as of 22:12, 30 January 2008


Thanks to Alessandro, stefan_schmidt, cp15 and all Navit developers I have done a small ("not really working") preview of Navit on Neo1973 at Telemobility Forum 2007. Thanks to GFoss guys to invite me. Tyrael


Setting up Navit

I got navit set up and configured to the point where it follows me on the map. It doesn't have street names or any other information, just the map and the cursor showing the location and direction. Here's what I did:

wget -O map1.osm,47.5,-122,47.7
wget -O map2.osm,47.5,-122.2,47.7
wget -O map3.osm,47.3,-122.2,47.5
wget -O map4.osm,47.3,-122,47.5
      • Made a navit binary map file using the osm2navit binary that comes with the navit package on my linux box
cat *.osm | bin/osm2navit --dedupe-ways > mymap.bin
      • Copied the map to the NEO
scp mymap.bin root@neo:/home/root/card/map
      • Changed the navit.xml file on the NEO to use the new map
vi /usr/share/navit/navit.xml
<map type="binfile" enabled="yes" data="/home/root/card/map/mymap.bin" />
  • Run navit
    • Start gllin
    • Start gpsd ( gpsd /tmp/nmeaNP )
    • Start navit


Street names

They are now displayed on OpenMoko using the CVS version of Navit (20071217).

Point selection by pen

Easier using the CVS version (20071217).

Route > Destination

The Route > Destination menu item crashes the software (20071217).

A current fix is to set the LANG variable before calling navit. For example: export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8; navit

Note that a short syntax (e.g. LANG=fr) would not work.


Navit can speak if you install eSpeak + speech-dispatcher and updates your navit.xml file.

For adventurous people, one way to do this:

* mokoTTS aims to integrate these packages in OM:

install espeak, dotconf, and then speech-dispatcher.

* change the speech tag in navit.xml:
<speech type="cmdline" data="spd-say '%s'" />

or "spd-say -l fr '%s'" for using the French voice for example.

Script to download OSM maps

Wurp wrote a little python script to download all OSM maps within a lat/long rectangle. Just copy the script to a file called, chmod +x it, and run it like <minimum latitude> <maximum latitude> <minimum longitude> <maximum longitude>

It takes a long time for large maps. I could optimize it some by having it try to get a big section at once, then if it fails, break it into smaller pieces and recurse. I'm not sure when/if I'll get around to that...

 import os
 import sys
 #import math
 def doIt(cmd):
 def getOsms(basename, minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon):
   '''basename - base name of map, maps are named {basename}{count}.osm
      minLat - latitude of the west side of the map
      maxLat - latitude of the east side of the map
      minLon - longitude of the north side of the map
      maxLon - longitude of the south side of the map'''
   wgetCmdTemplate = 'wget -O %s%s.osm,%s,%s,%s'
   currLat = minLat
   mapCount = 0
   while currLat < maxLat:
     nextLat = min(currLat + 0.1, maxLat)
     currLon = minLon
     while currLon < maxLon:
       nextLon = min(currLon + 0.1, maxLon)
       doIt(wgetCmdTemplate % (basename, mapCount, currLat, currLon, nextLat, nextLon))
       currLon = nextLon
       mapCount = mapCount + 1
     currLat = nextLat
 (minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon) = map(float, sys.argv[1:])
 getOsms('map', minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon)


Thanks to Alessandro, stefan_schmidt, cp15 and all Navit developers I have done a small ("not really working") preview of Navit on Neo1973 at Telemobility Forum 2007. Thanks to GFoss guys to invite me. Tyrael

Setting up Navit

I got navit set up and configured to the point where it follows me on the map. It doesn't have street names or any other information, just the map and the cursor showing the location and direction. Here's what I did:

wget -O map1.osm,47.5,-122,47.7
wget -O map2.osm,47.5,-122.2,47.7
wget -O map3.osm,47.3,-122.2,47.5
wget -O map4.osm,47.3,-122,47.5
      • Made a navit binary map file using the osm2navit binary that comes with the navit package on my linux box
cat *.osm | bin/osm2navit --dedupe-ways > mymap.bin
      • Copied the map to the NEO
scp mymap.bin root@neo:/home/root/card/map
      • Changed the navit.xml file on the NEO to use the new map
vi /usr/share/navit/navit.xml
<map type="binfile" enabled="yes" data="/home/root/card/map/mymap.bin" />
  • Run navit
    • Start gllin
    • Start gpsd ( gpsd /tmp/nmeaNP )
    • Start navit


Street names

They are now displayed on OpenMoko using the CVS version of Navit (20071217).

Point selection by pen

Easier using the CVS version (20071217).

Route > Destination

The Route > Destination menu item crashes the software (20071217).

A current fix is to set the LANG variable before calling navit. For example: export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8; navit

Note that a short syntax (e.g. LANG=fr) would not work.


Navit can speak if you install eSpeak + speech-dispatcher and updates your navit.xml file.

For adventurous people, one way to do this:

* mokoTTS aims to integrate these packages in OM:

install espeak, dotconf, and then speech-dispatcher.

* change the speech tag in navit.xml:
<speech type="cmdline" data="spd-say '%s'" />

or "spd-say -l fr '%s'" for using the French voice for example.

Script to download OSM maps

Wurp wrote a little python script to download all OSM maps within a lat/long rectangle. Just copy the script to a file called, chmod +x it, and run it like <minimum latitude> <maximum latitude> <minimum longitude> <maximum longitude>

It takes a long time for large maps. I could optimize it some by having it try to get a big section at once, then if it fails, break it into smaller pieces and recurse. I'm not sure when/if I'll get around to that...

 import os
 import sys
 #import math
 def doIt(cmd):
 def getOsms(basename, minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon):
   '''basename - base name of map, maps are named {basename}{count}.osm
      minLat - latitude of the west side of the map
      maxLat - latitude of the east side of the map
      minLon - longitude of the north side of the map
      maxLon - longitude of the south side of the map'''
   wgetCmdTemplate = 'wget -O %s%s.osm,%s,%s,%s'
   currLat = minLat
   mapCount = 0
   while currLat < maxLat:
     nextLat = min(currLat + 0.1, maxLat)
     currLon = minLon
     while currLon < maxLon:
       nextLon = min(currLon + 0.1, maxLon)
       doIt(wgetCmdTemplate % (basename, mapCount, currLat, currLon, nextLat, nextLon))
       currLon = nextLon
       mapCount = mapCount + 1
     currLat = nextLat
 (minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon) = map(float, sys.argv[1:])
 getOsms('map', minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon)