Community Updates/2010-01-14

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(New Applications: +QCurrency)
(New Applications: =QCurrency, added author)
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Name=[[QCurrency]] 0.1|
Name=[[QCurrency]] 0.1|
Description=QCurrency is a simple currency calculator, with save exchange rate capability.|
Description=Christian Rüb developed QCurrency. It is a simple currency calculator, with save exchange rate capability.|

Revision as of 12:36, 14 January 2010


Period 2010-01-01 to 2010-01-14



SHR-Logo.png SHR

SHR is a community driven GNU/Linux distribution for smartphones and is the most popular Operating System for the Freerunner. It has not made a stable release yet, but enjoys continuous development, and this is an update on all the great work that has been done recently. Unstable and testing images are available for both the Freerunner, and Neo 1973. A list of notable updates:

A substantial FSO upgrade is hitting SHR. The reimplementation of FSO API's in Vala is progressing, and is providing significant improvements in speed. Specifically, SHR-U now features fsodeviced, fsousaged and fsonetworkd. The upgrade also introduces a more elegant system of separate configuration files for each daemon in etc/freesmartphone/*.
Images are now available for ubifs, in addition to jffs and ext. ubifs promises improved performance, as well as smarter logic of uSD wear.
The discussion about faster kernels is also affecting SHR; (MTD_NAND_VERIFY_WRITE) is already pushed in. Experimental kernels (2.6.29-rc3-drm, 2.6.31, 2.6.32) are available for testing at:

Codename: 'SHR'
Image: buildhost

Hardware Works
Neo 1973 yes
FreeRunner yes
GTA04 ?
HTC-Dream yes
Other yes


New Applications

Browser-c c.png Elm-Browser 1.0_r0.4

This is an initial release of a very fast, finger friendly webkit-efl / elementary based browser.

  • finger scrolling
  • double-click to zoom in
  • triple click to zoom out (not working as of now - help needed)
  • layout optimised for max viewing space

Package: browser_1.0-r0.4_armv4t.ipk
Tested on: SHR-Unstable

Rtmom.png rtmom 0.1

rtmom is a Python client for RememberTheMilk. It is based on Elementary.

  • Currently, rtmom is more or less read-only:
    • you can download and display your tasks and
    • you may mark a task as complete
    • no editing or creating of tasks yet implemented
  • Check wiki for installation and usage.

Package: rtmom
Tested on: SHR-Testing

System boot.png Openmokontrol 0.1

Openmokontrol is a CLI-controlled application for the Freerunner to send input events to a remote X11 server caused by accelerometer events, well usable for games.

Package: Openmokontrol
Tested on: SHR-Unstable,Hackable:1

Qcurrency.png QCurrency 0.1

Christian Rüb developed QCurrency. It is a simple currency calculator, with save exchange rate capability.

Package: qcurrency
Tested on: SHR

System boot.png Exampleapp 0.0.1

Exampleapp 0.0.1 is an application to do some stuff..

Package: [http:// www.some.srv/path_to/Exampleapp.ipk Exampleapp]
Tested on: SHR-Unstable,Om2009T5

Application Updates

System boot.png Exampleapp 0.0.1

Exampleapp 0.0.1 is an application to do some stuff..

Package: [http:// www.some.srv/path_to/Exampleapp.ipk Exampleapp]
Tested on: SHR-Unstable,Om2009T5

SpojeguiV4.png SpojeGUI

SpojeGUI is GUI program which use CLI program/modul which is used mainly for Czech and Slovak transport.

  • Save confing and link to DB.

Package: SpojeGUI
Tested on: SHR-Testing

Podboy.png Podboy 1.2.0

Podboy is a podcast aggregator/player written in Python/Elementary. Its interface aims to be easy and finger friendly. It uses Feedparser Python module for download/parsing of podcast feeds, Gstreamer for playing of episodes and SQLite for storing data. Changes since version 1.0.0:

  • New feature: possibility to show details of episodes before to play them via a new entry "Show Details" in the menu "Actions" of pages "Episodes" and "Downloads".
  • New feature: update only the selected podcast in page "Downloads".
  • New feature: episodes can now be tagged as "Ignore" in page "Downloads". All episodes with status "ignore" will be skip when the downloading of all episodes of a podcast will be requested.
  • New feature: unplayed episodes can now be identified by a yellow star. Unplayed/played status of episodes can be manually toggled via a new entry "Toggle Played Status" in the menu "Actions" of page "Episodes".
  • New feature: import of podcasts via an OPML file (new button "Import" in the page "Podcasts")
  • Fixed occasionnaly incorrect display size of podcasts covers.

Package: podboy_1.2.0-r0_all.ipk
Tested on: SHR-Unstable


Most important and change making mails on the mailing lists, blogs etc.. Coolest hacks, screenshots, themes etc..

  • Harald Welte is planning to create a GSM development board based on 100% open hardware design and 100% free software. The initial focus is to create a board that behaves like a GSM cellphone. This could be interesting for the gta02-core project.

Event News

Personal tools