Qt Extended 4.4.3

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Line 53: Line 53:
  cd $QPEDIR
  cd $QPEDIR
  $QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/configure -device neo -modules location,cell,telephony -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
  $QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/configure -device neo -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
  cd sdk
  cd sdk

Revision as of 17:10, 8 March 2009


Qt Extended 4.4.3

Note: Qt Extended 4.4.3 is the last version of Qt Extended. Trolltech cancelled the project on 3 March 2009 (Qt Software discontinues Qt Extended)

HouYu Li's build of QTextended 4.4.3 release is available at: http://dashi-x02.karadog.net/~lihouyu/qtextended/4.4.3/

Installing Qt Extended 4.4.3 snapshot on the FreeRunner

Download the kernel and rootfs

Note: the download links have been removed pending the availability of binaries build on the official 4.4.3 source released on 5 March 2009

Next download the kernel and rootfs to your workstation. Here's a link to the rootfs created by Tomas Riveros Schober. And here's the kernel image. Boot your FreeRunner in dfu mode and use the dfu commands:

desktop# dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a kernel -R -D  Neo_kernel_Backup_200902212230.bin

    ... stuff ...

desktop# dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a rootfs -R -D  Neo_rootfs_Backup_200902212230.jffs2

    ... more stuff ...

This kernel/rootfs fixes the WSOD problem and includes the echo patch but doesn't seem to support ogg or mp3 playback.

Building the Qt Extended 4.4.3 SDK

First make the build directory, download the source, and set the environment variables. In this example, I write the environment variables to a file then I source the file.

mkdir -p /opt/QtExtended/build/qt-extended-4.4.3
cd /opt/QtExtended
wget http://qtextended.org/downloads/release/qt-extended-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz
tar -xzvf qt-extended-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz
echo "export QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH=/opt/QtExtended/qt-extended-4.4.3" >> setpaths-4.4.3 
echo "export QPEDIR=/opt/QtExtended/build/qt-extended-4.4.3" >> setpaths-4.4.3
. setpaths-4.4.3

Install the toolchain:

cd /opt
wget http://qtextended.org/downloads/toolchains/arm920t-eabi.tgz
tar xzvf arm920t-eabi.tgz /

Change to the source directory, download and apply two patches.

wget http://moko.mwester.net/download/pkg-config-template.patch
wget http://www.csamuel.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/0001-added-echo-suppression-fixes-for-the-openmoko-neo-ph.patch
patch -p1 < pkg-config-template.patch
patch -p1 < 0001-added-echo-suppression-fixes-for-the-openmoko-neo-ph.patch

Do the linux three-step: configure, make, make install. But there are a couple new twists. First, there is a bug in the source which requires us to create a symlink sdk in the sdk directory (basically, someone made a typo and incorrectly entered sdk twice in an include path).

$QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/configure -device neo -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
cd sdk
ln -s . sdk
cd ..
make install
make sdk

Fix the paths:

mkdir -p /opt/Qtopia/SDK/4.4.3
ln -s /opt/QtExtended/build/scripts/sdk/scripts/ /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts
mv /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts/devel- /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts/devel-neo.sh
echo "Device: neo" > /opt/Qtopia/SDK/versioninfo
ln -s /opt/QtExtended/build/ /opt/Qtopia/SDK/4.4.2/neo
ln -s /opt/QtExtended/build/sdk/ /opt/QtExtended/build/sdk/sdk 
cp $QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/bin/mkPackages /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts/

Qt Extended 4.4.3

Note: Qt Extended 4.4.3 is the last version of Qt Extended. Trolltech cancelled the project on 3 March 2009 (Qt Software discontinues Qt Extended)

HouYu Li's build of QTextended 4.4.3 release is available at: http://dashi-x02.karadog.net/~lihouyu/qtextended/4.4.3/

Installing Qt Extended 4.4.3 snapshot on the FreeRunner

Download the kernel and rootfs

Note: the download links have been removed pending the availability of binaries build on the official 4.4.3 source released on 5 March 2009

Next download the kernel and rootfs to your workstation. Here's a link to the rootfs created by Tomas Riveros Schober. And here's the kernel image. Boot your FreeRunner in dfu mode and use the dfu commands:

desktop# dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a kernel -R -D  Neo_kernel_Backup_200902212230.bin

    ... stuff ...

desktop# dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a rootfs -R -D  Neo_rootfs_Backup_200902212230.jffs2

    ... more stuff ...

This kernel/rootfs fixes the WSOD problem and includes the echo patch but doesn't seem to support ogg or mp3 playback.

Building the Qt Extended 4.4.3 SDK

First make the build directory, download the source, and set the environment variables. In this example, I write the environment variables to a file then I source the file.

mkdir -p /opt/QtExtended/build/qt-extended-4.4.3
cd /opt/QtExtended
wget http://qtextended.org/downloads/release/qt-extended-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz
tar -xzvf qt-extended-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz
echo "export QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH=/opt/QtExtended/qt-extended-4.4.3" >> setpaths-4.4.3 
echo "export QPEDIR=/opt/QtExtended/build/qt-extended-4.4.3" >> setpaths-4.4.3
. setpaths-4.4.3

Install the toolchain:

cd /opt
wget http://qtextended.org/downloads/toolchains/arm920t-eabi.tgz
tar xzvf arm920t-eabi.tgz /

Change to the source directory, download and apply two patches.

wget http://moko.mwester.net/download/pkg-config-template.patch
wget http://www.csamuel.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/0001-added-echo-suppression-fixes-for-the-openmoko-neo-ph.patch
patch -p1 < pkg-config-template.patch
patch -p1 < 0001-added-echo-suppression-fixes-for-the-openmoko-neo-ph.patch

Do the linux three-step: configure, make, make install. But there are a couple new twists. First, there is a bug in the source which requires us to create a symlink sdk in the sdk directory (basically, someone made a typo and incorrectly entered sdk twice in an include path).

$QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/configure -device neo -modules location,cell,telephony -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
cd sdk
ln -s . sdk
cd ..
make install
make sdk

Fix the paths:

mkdir -p /opt/Qtopia/SDK/4.4.3
ln -s /opt/QtExtended/build/scripts/sdk/scripts/ /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts
mv /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts/devel- /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts/devel-neo.sh
echo "Device: neo" > /opt/Qtopia/SDK/versioninfo
ln -s /opt/QtExtended/build/ /opt/Qtopia/SDK/4.4.2/neo
ln -s /opt/QtExtended/build/sdk/ /opt/QtExtended/build/sdk/sdk 
cp $QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/bin/mkPackages /opt/Qtopia/SDK/scripts/