Edje examples

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== Macros ==
== Macros ==
Edje uses C style macro's:
* #include "filename"
* #define(PARM,PARM2)
Note: define requires that everything is on the same line, newlines must be escaped.

Revision as of 17:54, 6 February 2009

This page is meant for developers who are totally new enlightment and wish to have the simplest examples possible. These are my first steps to getting started and are tested on the host machine. This page does not describe howto setup a build environment or how to deploy on openmoko (which is just a matter of copying files).

Edje user interface design is simular to designing for the web (relative, sort a box model, use of images). Graphical tools used for designing web components can almost be reused for edje (buttons, background and other graphical artifacts).


Compiling edj files

Edje files are compiled with the edje_cc command, eg: edje_cc edje_file.edc

I personally use eclipse with the pydev plugins, with an extra script which compiles edc files. A external builder can be defined to execute the script on modification, following setting are used in the builder.

  • Location: ${workspace_loc:/edje/build_edje.sh}
  • Arguments: ${build_files:f}

Next step would be to copy the files to neo with ssh and execute them.

Bash build_edje.sh:


for i in $*
case $i in	
	*.edc) cd `dirname $i`; edje_cc $i;;

Edje launcher

Program to launch example edje files, to be used if no alternative python example is provided. e.g:

python launcher.py example.edj

Python: launcher.py

#!/usr/bin/env python

import evas
import ecore
import ecore.evas
import edje
#import edje.decorators
import sys
import os

ee = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11(w=480, h=640)
edje_file = sys.argv[1]
print "opening '%s'" % edje_file

c = edje.Edje(ee.evas,file=edje_file,group="test")
c.size = ee.evas.size


Proper initialization examples

Note this example show how an edje should be initialized, the examples after this will not do this to make them clear as possible. Real applications should still do proper initialization.

Fullscreen mode (complete screen on openmoko): ee.fullscreen = True


#!/usr/bin/env python

import ecore
import ecore.evas
import edje
import sys
import os

# Parse command line
from optparse import OptionParser

def parse_geometry(option, opt, value, parser):
        w, h = value.split("x")
        w = int(w)
        h = int(h)
    except Exception, e:
        raise optparse.OptionValueError("Invalid format for %s" % option)
    parser.values.geometry = (w, h)

usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
op = OptionParser(usage=usage)
op.add_option("-e", "--engine", type="choice",
              choices=("x11", "x11-16"), default="x11-16",
              help=("which display engine to use (x11, x11-16), "
op.add_option("-n", "--no-fullscreen", action="store_true",
              help="do not launch in fullscreen")
op.add_option("-g", "--geometry", type="string", metavar="WxH",
              action="callback", callback=parse_geometry,
              default=(480, 640),
              help="use given window geometry")
op.add_option("-f", "--fps", type="int", default=20,
              help="frames per second to use, default=%default")

# Handle options and create output window
options, args = op.parse_args()
if options.engine == "x11":
    f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11
elif options.engine == "x11-16":
    if ecore.evas.engine_type_supported_get("software_x11_16"):
        f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11_16
        print "warning: x11-16 is not supported, fallback to x11"
        f = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11

w, h = options.geometry
ee = f(w=w, h=h)
ee.fullscreen = not options.no_fullscreen
edje.frametime_set(1.0 / options.fps)

Simple box with margin

Edje source: box_margin.edc

collections {
   group {
      name: "test";
      	parts {
	    part {
	       name: "main";
	       type: RECT;
	       mouse_events: 0;
	       description {
	          state: "default" 0.0;
	          color: 128 255 255 255;
	          rel1 {
	             relative: 0.0 0.0;
	             offset: 10 10;
	          rel2 {
	              relative: 1.0 1.0;
	              offset: -10 -10;

Relative box position

This examples show to boxes where left upper corner of one box is set at the right bottom corner of the other.

Edje source: relative_box_position.edc

collections {
    group {
        name: "test";
      	parts {
            part {
                name: "box-red";
                type: RECT;
                mouse_events: 0;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   color: 255 0 0 255;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.0 0.0;
                      offset: 0 0;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.5 0.5;
                      offset: 0 0;
            part {
                name: "box-blue";
                type: RECT;
                mouse_events: 0;
                description {
                    state: "default" 0.0;
                    color: 0 0 255 255;
                    rel1 {
                        relative: 1.0 1.0;
                        offset: 0 0;
                        to: "box-red";
                    rel2 {
                        relative: 1.0 1.0;
                        offset: 0 0;  


Note you also need an image 'image.png' which must be located in the same directory as image.edc.

Edje source: image.edc

images {
    image: "image.png" COMP;

collections {
    group {
        name: "test";
        parts {
            part {
                name: "image-block";
                type: IMAGE;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   image { 
                      normal: "image.png"; 
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.25 0.25;
                      offset: 0 0;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.75 0.75;
                      offset: 0 0;


This examples makes using signal in edje very clear.

Types of signals:

  • Handle signal inside edc, e.g: program: "button_hot";
  • Handle event directly within the python code, e.g: c.signal_callback_add("mouse,clicked,1","button1",button_clicked)
  • Resize callback, e.g: ee.callback_resize = resize_callback
  • Custom signal emitted in edc program, e.g:
 action: SIGNAL_EMIT "button_clicked_signal" "button1" and
  • Emit signal from python to edje

Python source: signal.py

#!/usr/bin/env python

import evas
import ecore
import ecore.evas
import edje
import edje.decorators;
import sys
import os

ee = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11(w=400, h=400)
edje_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),"signal.edj")

c = edje.Edje(ee.evas,file=edje_file,group="test")
c.size = ee.evas.size

# Mouse click signal from part "button"
def button_clicked(obj, signal,source):
    print "button clicked";

# Resize callback
def resize_callback(ee):
    c.size = ee.evas.size
ee.callback_resize = resize_callback

def button_clicked_signal(obj,signal,source):
    print "Custom signal emitted after button clicked";



Edje source: signal.edc

fonts {
   font: "VeraBd.ttf" "Sans";

collections {
    group {
      name: "test";
        parts {
            part {
                name: "button1";
                type: RECT;
                mouse_events: 1;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   color: 0 0 255 128;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.25 0.25;
                      offset: 10 10;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.75 0.75;
                      offset: -10 -10;
                description {
                    state: "hot" 0.0;
                    inherit: "default" 0.0;
                    color: 0 0 255 255;
            part {
                type: TEXT;

                description {
                   color: 255 255 255 255;
                    rel1 {
                        relative: 0 0.75;
                    rel2 {
                        relative: 1 1;
                    text {
                        text:"default text";
                        size: 20;
                description {
                   state: "received_signal_from_python" 0;
                   color: 255 255 255 255;
                    rel1 {
                        relative: 0 0.75;
                    rel2 {
                        relative: 1 1;
                    text {
                        text:"Received signal from python";
                        size: 20;
        programs {
            program {
                name: "button_hot";
                signal: "mouse,in";
                source: "button1";
                action: STATE_SET "hot" 0.0;
                target: "button1";
            program {
                name: "button_cold";
// Input
                signal: "mouse,out";
                source: "button1";
// Output
                action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
                target: "button1";
// Program who emits an signal when mouse clicked.            
            program {
                signal: "mouse,clicked,1";
                source: "button1";
                action: SIGNAL_EMIT "button_clicked_signal" "button1";
            program {
                action: STATE_SET "received_signal_from_python" 0;

Embedded etk widget

Maybe better to replace this example with ewl or elementary (instead of the gtk mimic of edje)

Python code: widget_embed.py

#!/usr/bin/env python

import evas
import ecore
import ecore.evas
import edje
import sys
import os
import etk

ee = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11(w=400, h=200)
edje_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),"widget_embed.edj")

c = edje.Edje(ee.evas,file=edje_file,group="test")
c.size = ee.evas.size

embed = etk.Embed(ee.evas)
entry = etk.Entry()




Edje source: widget_embed.edc

collections {
    group {
        name: "test";
        parts {
            part {
                name: "input";
                type: SWALLOW;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.25 0.25;
                      offset: 0 0;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.75 0.75;
                      offset: 0 0;


Including video in edje is no different than including other external content with swallow part type and smart objects, in fact emotion is a smart object.

Not sure howto setup gstreamer because this would be the preferred method.

Python source:video.py

#!/usr/bin/env python

import evas
import ecore
import ecore.evas
import edje
import sys
import os
import emotion

ee = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11(w=320, h=200)
edje_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),"video.edj")

c = edje.Edje(ee.evas,file=edje_file,group="test")
c.size = ee.evas.size

vid = emotion.Emotion(ee.evas,module_filename="xine");
c.part_swallow("video", vid)

vid.play = True


Edje source: video.edc

collections {
    group {
        name: "test";
        parts {
            part {
                name: "video";
                type: SWALLOW;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   aspect: 1.7 1.8;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0 0;
                      offset: 0 0;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 1 1;
                      offset: 0 0;


What is a smart object ?



Using the embreyo scripting language inside edc files.



  • If clicked on the red box the blue will enlarge en get transparant.
  • If clicked on the green box tje blue box will return to it's original state.
  • On mouse in red box they will get highlighted (sort of), on mouse they will get dehighlighted.

Some observations:

  • It seems not to be possible to goto a intermediated index (0.5 if 0 and 1 are defined).
  • It seems not to be possible to handle signals depeding on state (e.g: only trigger a certain program if a part is in state x x).
  • It seems not to be possible to apply generic signal handlers which target there source objects (not related to transitions).

Edje source:

collections {
    group {
      name: "test";
        parts {
             part {
                name: "bg";
                type: RECT;
                mouse_events: 1;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   color: 255 255 255 255;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0 0;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 1 1;
            part {
                name: "main";
                type: RECT;
                mouse_events: 1;
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   color: 128 255 255 255;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.25 0.25;
                      offset: 10 10;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.75 0.75;
                      offset: -10 -10;
                description {
                   state: "default" 1.0;
                   color: 128 255 255 50;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.0 0.0;
                      offset: 10 10;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 1.0 1.0;
                      offset: -10 -10;
            part {
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   color: 255 128 128 255;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.0 0.90;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.25 1;
                description {
                   state: "default" 1.0;
                   color: 255 0 0 255;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.0 0.90;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.25 1;
            part {
                description {
                   state: "default" 0.0;
                   color: 0 255 0 128;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.25 0.90;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.50 1;
                description {
                   state: "default" 1.0;
                   color: 0 255 0 255;
                   rel1 {
                      relative: 0.25 0.90;
                   rel2 {
                      relative: 0.50 1;
        programs {
            program {
                name: "complete";
                source: "button_open";
                signal: "mouse,clicked,1";
                action: STATE_SET "default" 1.0;        
                transition:SINUSOIDAL 1;
            program {
                name: "reverse";
                source: "button_close";
                signal: "mouse,clicked,1";
                action: STATE_SET "default" 0.5;        
                transition:ACCELERATE 1;
            program {
                action: STATE_SET "default" 1;
                transition:ACCELERATE 0.5;        
            program {
                action: STATE_SET "default" 0;
                transition:LINEAR 1;        
            program {
                action: STATE_SET "default" 1;
                transition:ACCELERATE 0.5;        
            program {
                action: STATE_SET "default" 0;
                transition:LINEAR 1;        



Edje uses C style macro's:

  • #include "filename"
  • #define(PARM,PARM2)

Note: define requires that everything is on the same line, newlines must be escaped.






Color classes

